Chapter 3: Realizations

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Marinette oversleeps on Friday morning. She runs into class ten minutes late. "Sorry I'm late Miss Bustier!" Marinette bows her head apologetically.

"It's okay, Marinette. It's work time right now, take your seat."

Marinette slides into the booth with Alya. "Girl! You missed the announcements! We're having a school dance!" She squeals from excitement. Marinette doesn't have a chance to respond, Alya goes on, "And guess what? It's Ladybug and Chat Noir themed! A masquerade ball!"

"Wait. Everyone will be wearing masks?"

"Yes! The school district is pretty serious about it, we're not even supposed to buy dresses together. Nobody is supposed to know who each other is!" Alya's excitement is too much to handle in the morning, a couple classmates shush her. She shout whispers to Marinette, "It's to honor Ladybug and Chat Noir's responsibility of keeping secret identities."

Parisians never cease to amaze Marinette. They really love her, or Ladybug rather. "That's so thoughtful to Ladybug. I can't wait!"

Miss Bustier interrupts their conversation, "Do you girls need to leave the classroom? I know you're excited but you're distracting other students."

Alya apologizes and goes back to whatever she was working on. Marinette gets busy with her own school work. At the end of the day, Luka stops Marinette on her way out of the school. "Marinette!"

"Oh hi Luka."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two movie tickets. "There's a ten o' clock showing for the new movie tonight! If you wanted to go with me."

Marinette loves spending time with Luka but Chat Noir is on her mind. He said he'd stop by her house again. "I'd love to Luka, but I'm really busy tonight. I'm sorry."

Luka's excited expression fades quickly. "It's okay, another time." He leaves her and goes home.

Marinette is about to head home too when she's stopped by another voice. "Hey Marinette!"

"Hi Adrien!" she smiles.

"Can I walk you home?"

Marinette is taken aback. "Oh- um- yeah sure!"

They walk quietly for a little bit before Adrien starts the conversation. "I couldn't help but overhear. Why are you busy tonight?" He knows it's because Chat Noir is visiting but he likes seeing Marinette flustered.

Marinette's face heats up while she thinks of an excuse. "Oh ya know- just a lot of school work and stuff." She awkwardly giggles.

"I can ask Nathalie if I can come over and help if you'd like?"

"NO!" she shouts, "I mean no thanks, I already have a tutor and I don't want to bother you. Thanks anyways though." They arrive at the front doors of the bakery. "If you'd like you can come in for a croissant or macaroon."

"Thanks but I have fencing lessons in ten minutes. I'll see you on Monday!" As he walks back to the school he can't help but laugh. She looks so cute when she's flustered like that.

Kagami sees Adrien laughing as he approaches the school. "What's so funny, Adrien?"

"Marinette. She was stuttering a whole lot."

Kagami smiles at the thought of her clumsy friend, "Marinette does seem to stammer quite often."

Kagami and Adrien head into the school. The two are evenly matched, they only compete against each other. Dueling anybody else would be too easy. Today Adrien seems to be excelling more than usual. By the end of class Adrien had won more matches overall.

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