Chapter 1: Conflicted

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Author's note: This takes place after Miraculous: New York - United Heros and is based off the english dub. If you're reading this, you probably already know that the characters are not owned by me. This is a fanfiction based on Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir created by Thomas Astruc. 

"A friend or more than a friend? There will never be a better time to be clear with yourself Marinette. Do you want him to leave or do you want him to stay?" Alya's words linger in Marinette's mind after their trip to New York. She chased after Adrien in the rain but doesn't know why. She thought she was ready to just be friends and move on but now she's more unsure than before she left.

She drops her suitcase on the floor and speaks to her kwami. "What am I going to do Tikki!? My feelings are all jumbled!" Marinette groans as she falls to her knees dramatically.

Tikki flies out of Marinette's purse and up to her face. "Don't worry so much Marinette! Everything will work out, I promise."

Mrs. Dupen-Cheng calls from downstairs, "Marinette! Someone's here to see you!"

"Who could that be?" Marinette goes downstairs to see Luka making small talk with her parents.

"Hey Mari. How was New York?"

Sabine smiles and grabs Tom by the arm, "We'll leave you two to catch up!" She drags Tom into the other room.

Luka's words before she left to New York come to mind, "You know what's important, Marinette? Is that this trip helps you get some clarity." She fumbles trying to come up with what to say, "It was um- really good actually. I learned a lot about America and stuff."

Luka chuckles. "I'm glad you had a good time. What about Adrien?"

Marinette's face gets hot. How does he always know what she's thinking about? She takes a breath to clear her thoughts. "Actually Luka..." she looks down to avoid eye contact, "I thought I was ready to move on but I'm still so confused."

"It's okay, I understand." She meets his eyes and a flood of guilt rushes over Marinette. She doesn't deserve his understanding. Luka sees her expression and reassures her. "Really Marinette, it's best to take your time to figure things out. I'll be here when you need me."

His soothing voice makes Marinette's heart hum. "Thanks Luka." She gives him a kiss on the cheek that results in both of them blushing.

"Well I have food to deliver, better get going."

He grabs his helmet and waves goodbye as he heads out the door. Marinette goes back up to her room and starts unpacking. "He's so nice to me Tikki! I need to get over Adrien fast!"

"No, Marinette! I agree with Luka, you've got to take your time!"

Marinette lets out a loud groan. "Why does this have to be so difficult?!"

Tikki flies up to her friend and nuzzles her cheek, "Like I said before, everything will work out just fine! I promise."

Marinette holds Tikki to her face, sort of like a hug. "Thanks Tikki." She lets go and continues packing. "I just feel so bad for Luka."

"There's nothing to feel bad about. Luka understands."

Marinette isn't convinced. "I'm going for some fresh air." She leaves Tikki behind and climbs up to her balcony.


Adrien lets out a loving sigh as he scrolls through the Ladyblog. He can't help it, she's too beautiful. That's not why he's in love with her though. She's selfless, brave, resourceful, and always has the right idea at the right time.

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