He came near me held my hand. "I'm sorry for hurting you! Let's take it slow," he said.

I just smiled and nodded. We continued with our work. The meeting ended in about 1 and half hours. I started working on the designs I was asked to do. Almost at 7 pm, I finished my work and packed my stuff to leave the office.

I and Takuya were going to have dinner somewhere. He met me at the elevator and we left together to the restaurant we usually have dinner together. We ordered as we took our seats in the restaurant.

"Sakura, here are some venues for holding the ceremony." He showed me a few booklets.

I looked at all those booklets. Takuya was quite excited. All the venues were beautiful.

"All the venues are so nice I am confused now Takuya." I chuckled.

"I was confused too. We will ask your parents and our friends and then select one." He suggested.

"Right. And I want to design our dresses." I told him. "It was my dream to design dresses for my wedding, for me and my husband-to-be." This was the first time I ever told someone about my dream regarding my wedding.

"That would be great Sakura! I can't wait to see your designs. But," he took my hands in his, "I can't wait to see you in the beautiful white wedding dress." I was looking at him and my cheeks felt hot. "You already are most beautiful woman for me but on that day, you will be my bride." He kissed my hands.

"Takuya, I can't wait for that day too." I smiled and kept my other hand on his hands. We kept talking and planning things about our wedding ceremony while having our dinner. I had to go back soon because Ai was coming to stay with me for tonight. We haven't really met for weeks so I insisted she to come my home.

I said goodbye to Takuya and took a bus from the nearest bus stand. As I reached home, I saw the lights of my apartment on, I guessed Ai must have come early. She had an extra key of my apartment just in case.

"Tadaima!" I said as I entered and changed into the slippers.

"Okaeri!" I heard to voice answering me.

And I was surprised to see the other person there.

"Sho! You had work in the evening. Then what are you doing here?" I asked him baffled at why he was in my apartment.

"It was canceled. Ai messaged me that she was staying with you today and she asked me if I can come. My work was postponed so I had time so I am here." He explained the situation.

"What about tomorrow's work?" I asked him, removing  my coat and hanging it on the hanger.

"We just have dance practice for a performance but it is in the afternoon so I can be up all night!" he smirked.

I just sighed. "Idols are so free-willed!" I rolled my eyes and went into my room to get changed. "I will come in five minutes." I said as I locked the door behind me.

I still don't know how to face Sho. Until I have those feelings for Sho, it will just make things harder. I need to throw away those feelings soon.

Sho's POV-

It has been a while since we three spent time together. After that a lot of things happened and we were not able to meet often. Sakura has hanged our pictures and Arashi's pictures on the wall. She also had Arashi and my posters. I was really surprised when I first saw all this. Looking at it again makes me think how much she loves me. She never stopped supporting me even though I was not in her life. Somewhere, I felt guilty for not being there for her when she needed it. After she was raped, the time we spent together went so quickly. I wanted to be with her more. Next month, she will be married and officially become someone else's.

She was definitely rushing things. And the reason for that was her feelings for me. I just don't know how to talk to her about it.

Ai's voice brought me out of my trance. "Oi Sho-kun! Don't tell me you also do overthinking!"

"Eh? Ah, no, I was just thinking something." I hesitatingly answer her.

"As I thought!" she sighed. "About Sakura?" I looked at her and nodded.

We were currently sitting in the front room waiting for Sakura to join us.

"I think she is rushing things." I told her.

"I think so too." She said, "She is trying to move too forward."

"Ai, I wanted to ask you something." I wanted to know since when Sakura had feelings for me. But I was hesitating to ask her.

"Whatever you want to know Sho." She said to me.

"Since when did Sakura..." I paused.

"Since high school. Maybe a little before. You two were always together and everyone knew you were childhood friends. A lot of classmates used to say that you two were perfect for each other. Do you remember one of you friend confessed Sakura and she refused to date him?" I nodded as I remembered that boy who confessed to Sakura. "He even thought that you two are having something. Sakura became angry at him because he doubted your friendship. But deep down she really loved you. And even now she loves you. She just trying hard to forget those feelings she has for you. You are her first love Sho!" Ai told me everything.

How bad I am at knowing my best friend! Or she was just good at hiding. I don't want to answer it.

"What about you Sho? When she told you that she loves you, how did you feel? Do you love her?" Ai asked me and I couldn't answer her.

Do I love her?

Do I really love her?

Do I really love her?

My heart suddenly started beating faster. I closed my eyes, thinking about it. I could see Sakura's smiling face.

"I-I don't know." I hesitatingly answered.

Ai chuckled. "Sho, I never thought you would be such a confused type of person."

"What you mean? Aiba-kun said the same." I asked her.

"It means even though you have your answer you just don't get it. Ne Sho, don't you think you want to make Sakura happy? Don't you feel like being with her forever? Don't you feel like holding her hands and walking together? Don't you want to see her smiling face beside you when you wake up? Tell me, haven't you felt any of such things?"

I just kept looking at her. the answer was with me but I was an idiot. I have always felt those things. I felt jealous when I saw her dancing close with Takuya. I was broken when she told me that she decided to marry Takuya. I wanted to be close to her physically when we accidently fell on the bed.

I love her.

I was an idiot. I even thought that I won't be able to make her happy when her happiness was being with me. For her, I was always her happiness. But it was late. She had decided her future.

"Gomen (Sorry) Ai, I am going home. I will meet you later." I got up.

"Sho? What's wrong?" Ai asked me.

"Sorry, I will talk to you later. Tell Sakura that I will talk to her later too and that I am sorry!" I said and left her apartment.

Gomen Sakura!





Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks for reading!


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