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How is Viktor? Well, he preferred to be alone. The boy has just lost his father and is supposed to compete against the most powerful machines in the universe. It's not fair. I thought you didn't care. I never said I did. The conversation and the accompanying voices of Arthur and Barry just rushed past Nova, who sat on the floor in front of a pane of glass, clutching her teacup tightly and staring, transfixed, into the depths of the cave.

It wasn't fair. Many things were not fair. Still, there was nothing that could be done about it. What happens, happens. The only plan that existed was that of the universe. All other plans, were not more than an illusion, because the universe knew, how each individual step of someone looked. Through which the question arises, whether something like a free will exists at all? If everything is predetermined, then it cannot exist at all.

Feel it. Fear it. Run away," Nova murmured, holding her cup so tightly in her hands that it shook and the contents spilled over, "Fate catches up with us all. Yours now stands before you. Embrace it or die."

"Did he say that?" asked Barry, causing Nova to cringe and take a moment before looking to him, "The one with the mother boxes."

"No, Steppenwolf just killed everyone and to do that, he didn't even need the Parademons. He came and within a shortened time, thousands were dead. My sister was the last Nilvore, the fighter of Sater, who was killed by him. If she had not tried to cut off his arm, she would have met a less painful death. All he needs is his axe. The parademons serve only one purpose, to make things go faster. Expendable beings, meant to weaken the enemy," Nova had to start nodding, setting her cup down on the floor and wrapping arms, around her legs, "Then Darkseid came, wanted his anti-life equation, but we didn't possess it. The Noceutera died first because they were the perceived greater danger. It was my good fortune that Fayre and I were at the other end of the city when the attack began. When Darkseid saw me, he knew immediately. The last Noceutera. Unlike the other magical inhabitants of Sater, I was never able to use this ability until now. Either you die or you join death. First years passed, then centuries, and finally millennia, which I spent at his side. Explored worlds, constantly searching for that one special thing. And though it is hard to imagine, I fared well. About fifty years ago, I came to Earth because someone had claimed that one of your neighboring planets possessed the anti-life. Of course, this was not so and when the planet was destroyed by Steppenwolf, I landed here. For the first time in a long time, I was more free than I had been in a long time. I had my peace, but then Superman came. People died and Metropolis was destroyed. A fight broke out between two children who were unable to talk to each other and preferred to kill each other, causing even more destruction and people dying. Everything else is known. You really had to activate the last mother box, didn't you Wayne?"

"So there's an even bigger problem than Steppenwolf," there would always be someone who would outdo the greatest evil to date, yet again, but for the moment, Barry owned up to being right, "So means even if we were to win, we're nowhere near winning. Those are good prospects."

They truly were.


Once in Pozharnov, one thing became clear. The base Steppenwolf had built was virtually indestructible and impregnable. A dome secured everything, but it would collapse if the tower in the center fell. Easier said than done.

A frontal attack would hardly expect Steppenwolf and as Barry correctly noted, because no one, so stupid should be.

A game of time. Destroy the dome and reach the mother boxes before they could synchronize. Once that was done, Viktor would link up with the unit and with Barry's help, break through the unit's defenses. Not with the Force the Love, as the boy had to joke because Arthur had asked again, but with a devastating blast of energy.

"Yeah don't trip," it slipped out of Nova's mouth as Barry walked past her after landing, "Sorry."



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✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ Cyberpunk [Zack Snyder's Justice League]✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz