Sairaorg looks back at the two Knights and easily makes his way to Kiba, one punch causing his legs to crumble underneath him. From behind him Xenovia sends a beam of light at him with Ex-Durandal, but after focusing his power more he's able to completely dissipate it before it even hits him. Xenovia is clearly in shock, and before she can even respond Sairaorg closes the distance and sends her flying. Kiba uses his new Balance Breaker and Sairaorg turns to face the knights coming his way. Sairaorg takes them out with ease, but from his back Rossweisse emerges from the water, laying down a barrage of Norse spells to try to take down the giant.

"She looked badass," I say as we continue watching.

"It worked out well for her," Rias tells me. "The original Rossweisse that was hit earlier was created thanks to Excalibur Mimic. The real Rossweisse is holding Excalibur Transparency, an Excalibur with the power to make the user invisible. She used it to find an opening to attack Sairaorg, though it seems like he isn't going to be held down by it easily."

"Of course he's not," I respond. "I have a good idea on what's going to happen here, but for now I'm just going to hope that they do their best in this fight. They wouldn't have gone in there just to sacrifice themselves." Rias smirks at me.

"You don't know them as well as you think you do." I raise an eyebrow at her but we keep watching the fight. "Still, the three of them worked hard together while you were off training with Vali. They know all about what they have to do in this fight, even if they know they're going to lose."

"At the end of the day, we all came into this for the same reason," I explain to Rias. "We're here to win this Rating Game, no matter the cost. All of the training that we've done to this point was to achieve a victory against someone that people think we shouldn't be able to beat. I'm not afraid of losing to Sairaorg, I'm worried about everyone else getting hurt for that reason. They know what has to happen, and I'm willing to bet that they don't mind at all that they're in this spot right now. Rias, if the dice roll in my favor, let me fight in the next round." She nods and we look back at the battlefield. Sairaorg stands up, focuses his energy, and uses it to send a shockwave out to defeat Rossweisse in one hit. The two Knights jump at Sairaorg, digging their swords into his arms, but to no avail. Sairaorg's aura starts pushing them away, but the Knights push back harder. With the both of them putting everything they have into their swords they end up reaching the ground, the two arms of Sairaorg Bael hitting the floor with them. All of us are speechless at what we've just seen.

"I guess he'll have to use the Phoenix tears," I whisper. "That's bound to cause some type of disadvantage for him, but I'm here to win so that's fine with me." Sairaorg doesn't look like he's in pain at all, instead raising his foot and kicking Xenovia square in the chest. With seemingly no effort at all, he takes down Xenovia and Kiba with just his legs, clearly showing that the pain isn't affecting him as much as anyone would have thought.

"I just want to thank you all for an amazing fight," Sairaorg tells the two Knights as they're taken away. He grabs his arms with his feet and is teleported back to his side, using the Phoenix tears to undo the damage that Kiba and Xenovia caused. The two Kings roll a nine, and without hesitation, I walk up to the podium to be teleported away. Through the other side comes Sairaorg's Queen and I know what I have to do. She looks at me with a smirk on her face, clearly not caring at all about what she did to Akeno.

"You seem a little bit out of it Red Dragon Emperor," she taunts. "Maybe you should just retire and let Lord Sairaorg take the victory. The way you are now I see no way that you'll be able to fight against him. At the end of it all, you're still just a weak little boy with a dragon inside of him." I look at her with a smirk of my own on my face.

"Do you kiss his cock with that mouth?" The round starts and I teleport behind her, throwing the hardest punch I can to send her coasting into the nearby wall. Before she can stand I fly towards her, not even entering my Balance Breaker, and kick her square in the ribs. "Get up bitch, I'm not done with you yet." She tries to stand again, but she takes too long for my liking so I kick her again. "I said get up, don't make me repeat myself again."

The Renegade (High School DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now