The treaty

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Two days later

Jisung: I am not marrying her, Jeongyeon! He said looking furious at his cousin.

She walked towards him and sat beside him.

Jeongyeon: No one is pressuring you Jisungie. But it would be really bad if you rejected a beautiful princess.

Jisung looked away from his cousin and let out a sigh.

Jisung: Im not ready for marriage. I won't marry anyone before I prove myself that I am a warrior  not just a so called prince... Besides I like somebody else. He said the last part with a little smile.

Jeongyeon: You do? The princess asked intrigued.

???: Who's the lucky girl prince?

The moment between the cousins was interrupted by the king entering the room.

Jeongyeon: Chaneyol? What are you doing here? She asked a bit disturbed.

Chaneyol: I'm here to spend some time with my younger brother.

Jisung let out a scoff and looked away from the king.

Chaneyol: You're being bratty towards you're hyung, Jisung.

Jeongyeon: Jisung get up show some respect to you're brother. She said bugging him to get up from his chair.

Chanyeol: let him rest. I think I interrupted you're moment.

Jisung: You did.

Chaneyol smiled at his brothers attitude.

Chanyeol: You sure are my favorite sibling, Jisung. Otherwise I would have punished you for that behavior towards the king.

Jisung: I am sorry king. I was just saying that you sure interrupted us.

Jeongyeon: Jisung?! show some respect!

Now it was Jeongyeon who raised her voice a bit, scolding her younger cousin. Jisung rolled his eyes and got up from the chair, before bowing in-front of the king.

Chaneyol: I know you're pretty upset with me prince. I still don't know the reason. No one in this palace will burden you to marry princess Dahyun. I will give you some time to think about it.

Jisung: I don't want to marry her. I already have someone in my heart.

Chaneyol's expression changed into a indigant look.

Chaneyol: Sometimes we don't get what we want Jisung. I hope you understand what I mean.

Chanyeol walked out from Jisung's chamber.


Baekhyun: My lord?

The king was stopped by the commander.

Chanyeol: What's the matter?

Baekhyun: We got some information from the outskirts of Seoul that Yeongin is heading towards our kingdom.

Chaneyol: How many troops do they have?

Baekhyun: Not many. According to there moves I don't think they have intentions of attacking. I guess they will be here soon for there princess. They'll arrive in three days.

The king's Obsession IChanyeol FF Where stories live. Discover now