chapter 26

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Lan wangji pov 

"Hanguang Jun,  Zewu Jun would like to speak to you in the Purity Chamber"


This trip had given me some pointers regarding the the whole fire tribe situation but at the same time the situation is getting more complicated, dragging in more people. Any reckless decision would implicate the people involve and disrupt the peace in the divine realm. If the divine realm is in turmoil, there is no guarantee that the mortals won't be affected by it. 

Cloud recesses seem to be faring well while him was away, everything is as it should be. The serene quietness in the halls excluding the soft patter of footsteps from the disciples carrying on with their day. The Purity chamber was closed shut which was odd, xiongzhang was never the type to seclude himself. His instincts started going while as he contemplated on the possible reasons. 

Could he be injured ? 

But he had not heard anyone said anything the moment entered Gusu. The disciple guarding the door greeted him and immediately he heard his brother's soft voice from the inside, telling him to enter. His brother was sitting on the study desk, looking over some reports probably from the latest night hunts by the senior disciples. His brother looked up as he came closer and gave him a smile like he always do. 

"Take a seat, Wangji. I wish to hear your report on your mission" 

He sat down while the latter poured some tea. He bowed his head slightly in gratitude before taking a sip. His brother had long told him to forego the formalities as they were family but Lan wangji insisted to stick to it as his brother was the leader of Lan clan and Gusu. 

"While you were away, several events had happened in cloud recesses which had tire me but thankfully those are all over now" 

Lan wangji looked at his brother in question, hoping to hear his response following the statement before but Lan Xichen didn't want to elaborate the matter and he wasn't the type to push someone. He would eventually find our about it anyway so there is no rush as thhose issues are already solved, he hoped. 

"Have you got any pointers in the whole situation in the fire tribe ?"

He nodded before replying. 

"The situation in the fire realm is as usual. There seems to be nothing wrong in particular. Therefore, the issue lies within the royal family"

"Just as we expected then. Hou Xuan is rather careless when it comes to the lives of his people, his favours the powerful and ignores the weak. The nobility are related to the fire realm in one way or another which makes the situation more complicated"

However, the nobility and the royal family's relationship is rather cold. The nobility are merely people that lost the fight for the throne and titles were given to them to stop them from rebelling with making peace in its name. Huo Xuan's rise to power with the power of the throne warded off those traitors and sustained the forced peace in fire realm. However, if anything happens to the royal family, vey few of Huo Xuan's subjects would step forward to help him. Instead, they will backed the most influential and powerful family among them and help them rise to the throne. Having such unloyal subject that will stab him in the back any time is really pitiful.

"Huo Xuan needs somethings from us but he is too egoistic to say it to us because he thinks that we will us it against him"

"With the people surrounding him everyday, it's understandable if he thinks everyone in the world has ill intentions. Have you got any clue on what ight this item be ?"

"Xiongzhang, the description that I have matches with a lot of the treasures and herbs. The information that I have is very little but I will try my best to investigate and find it"

"Alright, Wangji, look into this issue carefully as it greatly concerns our clans many years of peace. You must be tired from your trip, go get some rest"

Lan Wangji bowed and left. The issue of the fire realm has been wearing on everyone's nerve and now that the situation has gotten more complicated, he's brother will be more strained over the matter. His eyes glance at a disciple that had walked by from afar. Instantly, his brain if filled with a thought of a certain person.

Wei wuxian pov

"There is too much stitching at one area, at this point, you will ruin the fabric"

"Aiyah, Luo Yu, I am still new here. How do I know all this ?"

Wei wuxian rubbed the back of his head that had just gotten a smacked from the senior beside him. Ever since he became a cloud weaver, the only one that was kind to him was Luo Yu, all the other seniors are too arrogant and would usually tease him for not knowing the basics, Well, this must be the fate of a newcomer.

"I had repeatedly told you to be careful when handling sea silk. One wrong stitch could ruin the whole fabric. Yet, you are still so clumsy and careless"

Wei wuxian glared at him before continuing stitching. Although Luo Yu was annoying at times with his picky attitude but he was the only there that was willing to him. He is also his senior, another reason on why he has been patient towards him.

"What is this ? Is it a cloud or a cobweb ?"

Wei wuxian's fingers clenched onto the needle. A strong urge to kick the senior beside him came over his mind as he contemplated on how long he could remain patience with him.

"This colour is too bright, it takes away the focus of the rest of the pattern. Open your eyes wider when you choose next time"

Just one more remark. One more remark and I will lose it.

"No, no, NO"


A strong blast of mana energy was released from his body and it send Luo Yu flying to one side of the room. Luckily, his back collided on a pile of waste fabric. Wei wuxian got up from his seat and glared at Luo Yu who was staring at him in shock.

"I am going out for a while"

He left the sewing pavilion and he could hear Luo Yu calling from behind him. He will apologize to him later but for now he just needed to cool down. The sound of water splashing took his attention as he walked towards the direction. Maybe dipping his legs into the soothing water could cool him down.

He made it there but just as his was about to take of his shoes, he heard a voice. The voice that tends to give him butterflies. It was him. He was talking to a disciple at the top of the hill. He looked as handsome as ever, maybe even more since he last saw him.

Suddenly, he turned towards the waterfall, Wei wuxian quickly ran to the space underneath the hill. he made sure that his lover had walked away before coming out.

Lan zhan will be suspicious when he can't find me but soon he will find out that I am already dead. I am after all executed due to treason. He will be upset for a while but he will get over it and soon he will forget about me.

Wei wuxian thoughts ran rapidly in his mind. Their relationship will have to end, its the only way to keep them both safe. There is no use pursuing something impossible. A lone tear descended from his cheek as he looked up to the sky.

Somehow, he had always knew that their relationship would come to an end one day but was he wrong to expect more from it. He had even hoped to spend the rest of his days with him and disregarded the fact that he was only a mere mortal that was just lucky enough to be here.


He wiped away his tears and straightened his back. Pain only comes to those that dwell on it. The more he stops thinking about, the faster the pain will leave him. Lan zhan deserves so much more than him, it is a fact that he has to accept no matter the amount of pain it brings him.

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