chapter 24

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Madame Lan pov

"My apologies, Zewu Jun has already retired to his chambers. He won't be receiving any guests"

Lan Yang bowed and I thanked him as I was walked back towards my chamber. Xichen must have been so tired, he usually won't turn away any of his guest even when he is tired.

I need to find a way to help Wei Ying. He is currently being detained in the dungeons and if I don't do anything, there is a high possibility he might get framed again and possibly executed.

No, he won't be executed, especially when he is not in the wrong. It was obvious that he was set up, possibly by that brat from fire realm. However, there are already evidence against him and freeing him would be difficult.

I had arrived at the front door of my chambers while going through my train of thoughts. My mind was restless. I signed as I placed my hand on the door. In one breath, I opened it and stepped in.

Husband was writing at the study table. Even though he had passed his position to Xichen, he was still as busy as before. Judging by his facial expression, he was displeases about something.


I called out gently, trying not to annoy him as I make my presence known. He looked at me and smiled before looking back at the proposals and continued approving them.

I walked to his side and sat down beside him as I watched him. One of those proposals happened to be the one regarding Wei Ying's punishment for betraying cloud recesses. I read it silently.

It was from one of the elders, a grand elder to be more specific. He had suggested for Wei Ying to receive 50 lashes from and to be cast down to the mortal realm and to be reborn as an animal. No, I can't let that happen to him. Not when he is innocent.

However, husband's hand was already reaching over. My eyes widened and without a second thought, I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"You can't approve of it. Wei Ying is innocent"

I said in desperation. Husband's molten golden eyes pierced into mine before turning to face me.

"How can he be innocent when there is a witness against him ?"

"We don't know that for sure. You know very well that Lady Qin Yang coming and staying at cloud recesses was suspicious and would stir up trouble and now it has involved one of our disciples"

Husband was always skeptical over lady Qin Yang coming here as a peace envoy. We were all so sure that she would cause some trouble and we were right. She was behind this, I know that very well.

"Wei Ying would never do that. You, I and very person knows that very well. He is and honest and hardworking disciple, even Qiren approves of him"

I tried to reason with him to not be suspicious of Wei Ying. The elders were taking advantage of this situation. Ever since Wei Ying became a disciple in cloud recesses, we haven't been receiving many good looks from the elders.

Not to mention, Wei Ying excelling in the divine arts has made the situation any better. Some of the elders were worried that a mere mortal was able to be better than their there own immortal children.

However, this was none of Wei Ying's fault. If we are to blame, it should be the elders for being inferior.

"We are in the wrong in this mess. Wangji shouldn't have had such a good relationship with his disciple. Not when he is engaged. That mortal was never supposed to be in the divine lands in the first place"

I couldn't believe my ears. Wangji never wanted this engagement in the first place and only agreed to it to keep the fire realm in check. Not to mention, I was very grateful that Wangji brought Wei Ying to cloud recesses. I could finally keep in touch with the son of my late friend.

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