Chapter 13

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-Hopes POV-

I slowly woke up with a massive headache. I looked around and realized I was in a old factory. I continued to look around trying to find the guys. I started to freak out because I didn't see them.

"Well, well. Look who woke up." Jaxon grinned and walked in.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled and tried to get out of the rope.

"Oh nothing. Just to keep you away from the boys." He smirked.

"If you wanted to keep me away from them, why would you bring me here?" I asked.

"More work for you. Oh and by the way, they are now very far away from here. Maybe.. Across the world." He told me.

"Please don't hurt them." My voice sounded weak.

"Oh don't worry. We're not. We're going to hurt you now." He grinned as 6 men walked over to me and started beating the living crap out of me. I screamed and cried in pain.

"Stop! Please!" I cried when one of the guys punched me in the head. My head went back and hit the pole in the exact same spot where I hit it off the bar. My vision got blurry then it suddenly went black. A couple seconds later, my vision came back.

"Stop!" A person yelled. "As the second in command, I order you to stop." He looked at me and winked as if he was trying to tell me something.

"Why? It was Jaxons orders.." Another guy asked.

"But is Jaxon the second in command or leader?" The SIC asked harshly. He wouldn't keep his eyes off me, though. When the guy didn't answer, he smirked.

"Very well. Everyone, go home now." He ordered. Everyone nodded and left. When they left, the guy ran over to me.

"Hope, it's Calum." He whispered.

"Your lying. You look nothing like Calum." I whispered back.

"Hope, I'm a shapeshifter, remember? I won't hurt you." He frowned and untied me.

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"We can't worry about that now. We need to worry about you." He said and carried me bridle style to a house. The house was a huge White House and had black window frames. Calum walked in the house then gently put me on a couch. He suddenly changed back into Calum.

"Calum? Did you get her?" A person asked from upstairs.

"Yea. Come here!" Calum yelled back. Soon, Ashton came running down the stairs.

"Ashton!" I gasped as he ran over to me and hugged me.

"Hope.." He whispered and hugged me tightly.

"How did you manage to escape?" I asked when we pulled away.

"I can teleport." He shrugged.

"We need to save the guys." I frowned. Calum handed me a blood bag and opened it. I gladly took it and started drinking the blood.

"We can't, Hope. We need a lot of vampires." Just as he said that, there was a knock on the door. Ashton disappeared as Calum changed back into the SIC. Calum walked to the door and slowly opened it.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi." The voice I just heard was the last voice I was expecting to hear.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Cal asked roughly. I got off the couch and saw Cal with his fist up about to punch Ruvel.

"Ruvel?!" I asked and ran over to him. I hugged him and he slightly hugged me. When I pulled away, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. Standing outside were Ray and Lucas.

"Ray! Lucas!" I yelled and hugged them. They hugged back.

"What happened to you?" Lucas asked.

"I'll tell you when we get inside." I smiled as they followed me inside.

"It's okay, Cal. They won't hurt you. They're allies, my protectors." I smiled. Cal gave the, a small smile and shut the door after them.

"Ash!" I yelled. Ash appeared in front of me. Cal changed back into himself and grabbed another blood bag. He handed it to me. I shook my head as he drank it. I looked at the cuts that the people did to me. They were almost gone.

"So, what happened?" Lucas asked. I filled them in on everything.

Finding Them (Sequel to Kidnapped By Vampires) -One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now