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Angie's POV

Few days passed and I decided to forget German and my feelings towards him.

I can't love him... he is my brother-in-law and... aww but the way as he looks at me...

But sometimes it seemed it can work utill a day when lots of things changed... but start it in the beginning:

This day started good. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee for me and later I left with Vilu.

As we arrived to the Studio Violetta went to Fran and Cami and I went to the teacher's room where I saw Antonio and Clèment were hugging.

-Okay uncle...said he and Antonio left.

-Hey!! What's the matter? What happened??

-Hello darling... ah it's quite long...but now I have a class..

-After the lessons we can talk about it during a walk, okay?

-Yeah it sounds great!! Smile he, kissed my cheek and left.

His behave made me worry. What's happened??


We finished our lessons and went to the park. Vilu was with her friends.

-So.. what's the matter??

He smiled sadly and looked at me.

-I'll leave Buenos Aires in maybe about a month.


-You heard dad needs some help with his job and he asked me to go home... to France.

-Ohh Clèm... I'll miss you so much... Said I and hugged him tightly.

-Me too, but...

-But?? Asked I surprisedly.

-Would you like to come with me?

I froze. He asked me to go away from my family with him??

-Clèment...I love you just...

-No no no no Angie don't get it wrong...I know you're in love with German and I love you too as a friend... I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend or something like that just if you want to come to France...

-Well I really don't family my friends my job in a word my life is here and I really don't know... let me think about it...

-Okay amiga. Smiled he.

Then we changed the subject and later I went home and during the journey I balanced which choice would be the better. Will I miss German as Vilu if I leave?? Or should I stay and see German every day with Jade and try to forget him?? I thougth this offer gave me something to think about but it wasn't the thing which made my day worse and in the same time more interesting because it was just 2 pm...

Love at the second sight ~ Germangie storyWhere stories live. Discover now