"You do, hence the 'super' part" she looks at me and lingers it before looking back at the road "you know.. I'm gonna say something and you're not gonna react any more than I want you to. Okay?"

"Okay. I can do that"

"I'm so excited to spend the next part of my life with you.. You really give me so much, and I can't wait to watch you develop and see what you become, because I just know that you're different." She holds her breath a second. Taking like this doesn't come easy to her. "You must be different to everyone else, otherwise we really wouldn't be having this conversation right now. And I certainly wouldn't be moving countries with you."

She looks at me then back at the road. Her expression is uninterpretable. I can't tell if she feels vulnerable or not. I'm guessing that she does, from what she began this sweet speech with.

"I think you're going to become the person you want to be. I kind of think you already are that; someone so so interesting, with the most beautiful mind.. but in terms of success, you're definitely gonna have it because of your talent and determination, whatever you choose to go into.. And I'm super excited to watch the success happen, because you deserve it so so much."

She looks at me to check if I'm gonna react how she doesn't want me to. I just smile and softly stroke the back of her hand with my thumb, to which she smiles contently and looks back at the road.

She didn't want a big deal.


She takes me for ice cream and doesn't let me pay. I don't get bitter about when she does that though because I know that I'll get her back, buying her snacks and whatever I find that I want to give her.

Sometimes I get her little gifts I think she'll be interested in, like last week I got her a few healing crystals because I think she secretly believes in them. She's always very appreciative of my gifts no matter how bizarre they sometimes are.

"You know, I didn't want to say anything in case it made you uncomfortable, but-" I start, walking us into my room

"Oh god.." she exhales, shutting the door behind us. I smile. I like the mood she's in. "But what, baby?" She leans against the closed door, looking kissable.

"Hmm.. Doesn't matter." I hold her cheeks and kiss her nose "pretend I didn't say anything at all." I sit down on my bed, I can tell I leave her thinking about it.

"Well now you're just teasing, you have to tell me."

"I have to?" I spot an opportunity to be bratty, and cross my legs to show dominance. I also catch her glance at my thighs which is nice.

"Marina.." She says my name firmly and gives me a certain look that makes me crumble straight away. I uncross my legs too. "Tell me"

"Alright I will.. I was just going to say that I'm really excited about us too. It feels right. That's all." I tell her, she smiles a little "what?"

"Just cute." She walks over to me "you didn't really think that was gonna make me uncomfortable, did you?" She gently strokes my hair out of my face. I just shrug a little

"I know you don't like me making big deals of emotion things."

"I like whatever you do, and I especially really love when you tell me that you want me too." She holds my cheek and tilts my head up towards her "Mmh, you're so beautiful. Your face is my favourite ever." She kisses me, but it doesn't last very long.

Nothing at all is happening today, our periods synced up. Hence the ice cream and emotional declarations, and Lizzy's cute little bad mood before I think.

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