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"All rise for the Honorable Judge Hamilton" The officer recited in a monotone voice as a man in a black gown entered.

We all stood as he sat, and I could get a better look at my dad and Larry at the front. As if feeling my gaze, he turned to meet my eyes, and I involuntarily looked away as my anxiety rose. We both knew that today was the day.

He would go away in prison forever, and I will never see him free again.

I had cried on my way here, and Tristan was with me all the way. Gosh what would I do without him? I loved him so much that words couldn’t even tell. My mom, Emily and even Jessica were here for support too, and I couldn’t even express my love for them anymore.

I was still confused as to why my mom was still here, but after two weeks, I learnt that she and her husband didn’t have just a 'fight' after all, but they were actually filing for divorce. It forced her to naturally want to be closer to me. And though at first I was hurt that she want completely honest with me, I got over it.

I realized that life was too short for me to be holding grudges. All grudges do, is lodge distance between friends and families, when in the end, it doesn’t benefit anyone.

So no, I didn’t hold a grudge against my mom for being partially honest with me. I simply hugged her when she told me, after seeing how hurt she was.

So, I helped her find a job in town so that she could afford her own place. She needed to start over, and this was the first step.

She made a lot of mistakes in the past, and some twisted minded person would even see her as the reason why my dad was even in court today. But that's just what the past does to you. It drains you emotionally, mentally and most of all, hold you back.

As humans beings we ought to learn how to let go of the past. It's called the 'past' for a reason, because it has indeed passed. The present is a gift, and what you do with that gift is solely up to you.

If only we had all realized that sooner rather than later. Maybe Sheldon would still be alive, meeting Mia would've never happened and seeing my dad behind bars wouldn’t have been a reality for me.

But that's just life. It teaches you lessons. Some in the hardest ways, some in the best ways. As for me and my story, it was the hard way.... But at least I learnt something form it all. I leant that the present is indeed a gift.

And we ought to cherish it.

The past month had been quite hectic with everyone preparing for the trial. After our stunt at the station that had my dad confessing, everything else fell into place from there.

Emily advised me weeks ago to see my dad one last time, just to have a talk to free myself and be prepared for the future. I didn’t consider it until last night.

And I did just that.

I went to his house, and there were a lot of crying and apologizing, but most importantly, there was a lot of healing. I wasn’t lying when I said I forgave him. I really did. And as much as I will never be okay with what he did, I just had to accept it and move on. This is our lives from now on, and I had to simply shape that to my liking.

The trial was going as Tristan predicted. First there was a few testimonies from officers, forensic scientists and 'witnesses'.

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