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They finally caught her.

They finally caught the woman who has been terrorising my friends, my family and me. It's over. It was all over and I couldn't have been more relieved.

I watched as they hauled her through the door. Her eyes were fixed on me, filled with hate from the minute she stepped in--as if she knew I was here.

Her hands were behind her with a cop holding onto her as he pushed her forward. I wasn't afraid of her, but a shiver ran through me as she walked passed me, her eyes still trained on me as they led her into the same room her brother sat not even two hours ago.

I knew she couldn't see me from inside the room, but she kept staring. And the freakiest part was, she wasn't even giving away nothing with her expression. She just looked terrifyingly calm--like she wasn't even aware that her life was over.

She even dressed like she was ready to go somewhere. As if she knew they were coming after her. Her hair was perfectly curled, and her  make-up precisely painted. 

Nonetheless, I just stood there, staring at her, ready for a second round of question and answer.

This time, it was Detective Edwards who sat across from her, leaning back with a chill look on his face. Tristan stood beside me, momentarily rubbing small circles in the small of my back for comfort.

"We caught her" I mumbled out loud, everything still feeling so surreal.

"I know baby. You're safe now" Tristan muttered in my hair as he gently placed a kiss there. I took a deep breath, realising that Mia was no longer looking in my direction.

"So" She smirked, staring at Detective Edwards. "Baby brother outed me huh? I knew you'd catch him eventually, and he's too much of a coward to keep his mouth shut till I got him outa here my way"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She had no remorse for the boy's life who she basically scarred, and now had him in a small jail cell. Detective Edwards, however, just avoided her statement.

"Mia, you are aware of all the charges that are against you right? Attempted murder in the first degree, breaking and entering, illegal possession of firearm, attempt-"

"Yes yes I know all the charges. I don't care what happens to me. SHE ruined my life already anyways " She screamed, pointing aimlessly at the one-way glass. "I know you're out there! Watching me when you should be in jail you little bitch!" She screeched, and I could see the hate blazing in her eyes like nothing I've seen in my life.

I was always a hard person to get along with, especially when I was going through school. So I knew what hate looked like. But this? This was something else.

"Ms. Walters. I need you to sit back down" Detective Edwards instructed calmly, to which she surprisingly obliged. "I'm going to ask you a few questions okay?" He asked and she simply nodded with a shrug.

He proceeded to reading her her rights, and I was surprised that she hadn't demanded a lawyer like a her brother did. It was like she was going down willingly, which I didn't understand. But, did I have to?

"Okay let's start with something easy" He proceeded to get him pen and notepad, whilst setting down a recorder. "On the second of this month, were you present in Ms. Leir house, in her bedroom?" He asked, and I remembered the day perfectly.

It was the first day I had seen her. I had marched down to the station to report it, and nobody gave me much of a glance. Niw look where we are.

"Yes I was. It was the first time I approached her about what she did"

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