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I marched towards the station entrance with a pep in my step and with one thing on my mind: Mia going down.

I heard the door to my car slam shut, after which it was followed by small tatters of feet rushing towards me. I gazed over my shoulder to see my mom coming after me, but I made no move to stop her. She was, after all, at the scene of the crime.

My heart soared in relief as Tristan bursted through the door as soon as I was about to push it open, and the look on his face mirroring mine was enough to make my legs wobble. Despite the fact that everything might just be falling into place, I needed him to hold me, and it was obvious that he did too.

I rushed into his arms without a second thought, and he caught me just as fast in a tight, warm hug. He kissed my hair and let his lips linger there, and I just knew that he had his eyes closed.

I felt like crying.

Not even thirty minutes ago I had a gun to my head. And the only reason why I'm alive is because of the woman who I haven't seen in years. I knew I was a bad person for thinking this, but I'm glad she had issues with her husband. Because if she didn't then...

"Hey are you okay?" He whispered as he pulled my head away so he could look me in the eyes.

I nodded slightly as I caught a tear, just realising how much all this was weighing on me.

"Shh it's okay" He cooed as he pulled me to his chest again. My tears streamed harder even though I tried to stop them.

I had always been tough, never letting a single tear break free from my eyes. But the pressure of it all just got too much.

Sheldon dying, me being blamed for it, a crazy ex trying to kill me, almost being killed three times--it was just too much for even me to bare. And the  small doubt that this new suspect wouldn't lead us to Mia scared me.

I had no clue  how much more I could handle before going crazy, or worse, walking right into a trap.

I hated that she made tears come from my eyes, but one person can only take so much before they break.

"I just want it to be over you know?"

"I know baby, it'll be okay. We're gonna get answers now okay?" He assured, and I nodded slowly as I quickly dried my eyes as if they were flowing with lava.

I took a deep breath, ready to head inside when my mother spoke, making me remember her presence.

"Um Cianna? Who might this be?" She asked as we all entered.

Tristan put a few inches between us, making my heart break a bit but I knew how bad it  would be for him if they knew he was dating one of the murder suspects of Sheldon's case. Him seeing me as innocent could lead others to believe that he was being irrational due to personal emotions.

"This is Detective Deckor. He's on Sheldon's case" I stated casually, not wanting to pour out my life to her just yet. Tristan had a confused look on his face too, so I clarified.

"Tristan this is my mom." His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he shook her hand with a curt greeting.

"Quite close with the detective don't you think?" She whispered next to me with a hint of disapproval." And what on earth happened to Sheldon?"

"Sheldon is dead mother" I stated flatly, being quite annoyed with her accusation. That seemed to shut her up as her strides slowed and I heard her mumble something under her breath.

I turned the corner with Tristan when I realized she was no longer following us. I spotted Detective Edwards, Tristan's partner and prick, as he exited the interrogation room.

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