13/15 Summer Festival

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When love embraces hatred, love and hate become intertwined.

It was a Saturday morning, and Kageyama was hanging out at your house. It's been more then two weeks since you and Tsukishima had completely stop talking to each other. Not even Yamaguchi came to talk to you either. In those two weeks were the beginning of your summer break. You had completely gone over it.

"Oi. (Y/N)." You had finally snap out of your daydream and look at Kageyama who was holding a soda can. "Here you go."

"Thanks." you said, smiling. He looks at you feeling embarrass. With his cheeks turning pink, your cheeks turn red.

"Um.." he said, in a serious tone. He doesn't make eye contact and looks at the ceiling. "I was wondering, you know that summer festival that is coming up soon? Want to go with me?"

"Sure." you said, smiling.

"Yes!" he said, smiling. He blushes as he looks at you.


It was Sunday evening. Your mom had prepare you a yukata for you to wear. As your mom help you with your yukata, you could hear the doorbell ringing. "Ah, that's probably Tobio-kun." your mom said. "Hold up (Y/N). Let me get the door." You put on your sandals and look yourself in the mirror. You wonder to yourself if you look good or not. You turn to the door to see Kagyama, with his face all red, with his mouth open, unable to say anything.

"Jeez. Say something. You're making things awkward." you said, pouting.

"O-oh. Sorry." he puts his hand on his head. "It's just that you look.. cute."

"Thanks." you said, not making eye contact, slightly blushing. As the room became more awkward, the both of you were unable to say anything.

"You two haven't left yet?" your mom said, observing you two. "Oho. I know what's going on."

"E-eh?" you and Kageyama said, looking at your mom.

"We were just about to leave!!" you said.


You two were walking together, holding hands. You weren't even blushing anymore even though Kageyama was trying not to. You had realize something and stop for a second. "What's wrong?" he said.

"Oh. I was just thinking how warm your hand is." you said, smiling.


"What is it?"

"Idiot. You're too cute. This is not good for my heart." You noticed how cheeks were red. You found it funny and laughed inside.

"This is how it was back then when we were dating." you said, smiling.

"Hold up, I'm going to get some food. Wait here, since it's getting crowded." Kageyama said. His arm was covering his face. 'How cute.' you thought. 'It's getting croweded.' You were observing the area. Someone had bumped into you and you trip. You had broken one of your ties to your sandals. You were suddenly group with the crowd being carried away. You were trying to find out where the spot that Kageyama had told you to wait, but it was getting even more crowded. You were probably going to get squish. 'I need to get back to Tobio..'

A few minutes before you were getting squished, it was not long till two boys came to the festival. Tsukishima, who thought he was going delusional thought he had saw you. When he made sure it was you and realizes you were nearby, getting crowded. He even saw Kageyama who had went back to the place and was trying to find you. He clench his hand and quickly went to you.


He didn't care that he had left Yamaguchi behind. He quickly went to your side. You were surprised when he had grab your arm, and hugged you. He quickly grab your hands, and ran the direction he was at. He holding your hand tight, making sure you guys don't separate. You were thinking how his hand was different from Kageyama and you had wonder why. You were blushing. And you didn't know why.


"Thank you for helping me. Ah! I lost one of my sandals that my mom gave me.. She is definitely going to kill me.." you said, sighing. You guys were sitting on the grass, outside the booths. You were sitting down on the grass while he was standing up, not making any eye contact with you. "I didn't know you were going to the festival.."

"Whatever.." he said. He was drinking his drink. 'I guess he's still mad..'

"Yamaguchi didn't come with you?"

"Stop asking so many questions." he said. He sounded a little annoyed but you weren't sure.

"Sorry." you said, looking down. 'He's definitely angry. But if I don't say something, the atmosphere around us is going to be awkward!'

He took a quick glance at you and sigh. He sits down, right next to you. You scooted away from him a bit as he sigh again. "What is it?" he said, sounding annoyed.

"I thought you hate me." you said, looking the other way,

"Tch." he said.

Suddenly the fireworks started to go up into the sky. Boom. 'It's loud.' "The fireworks sure is pretty this year.." You were trying to smile and enjoy yourself... 'Why am I sitting down watching the fireworks with the guy I hate so much? Why am I seeing the one guy that I kept thinking of, but I really don't want to see him the most.' He had suddenly hold your hand. You look at him.

"Don't look at me. Watch the fireworks." he said. You blush and scooted a bit closer to Tsukishima.

'Ah. I get why now.'

Your heart beats the same time as the fireworks.

'I like Tsukishima.' you thought, blushing.

The fireworks were sure beautiful this summer.

If love becomes stronger, the hate turns to love.

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