2.3 Druids

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The wind was cold around me today. The dry air made me shudder, but I continued on. I grabbed my bow tightly in my hand. The conversation Kayden and I had earlier ran through my mind. She even told me this Hunter didn't live too far from me which didn't surprise me at all. If I knew my uncle correctly he is the type of guy to keep his enemies close. And this..Hunter..knew something about my parents death. I had to get a confirmation before I make a hypothesis about any thing. As I neared the hut he stayed in, I accidently stepped into a trap. The rope snagged and I was hanging upside down. God, do I suck at this sort of thing. Way to use stealth.. Just then the door creeped open and out stepped a man who looked to be in his sixties and had a blind right eye with a ugly claw scar running down the side of his face. "Ahh..what do we have here?," he asked as he walked around me. "I-I'm Urie Grey..I'm the nephew of Darrius Grey..," I stammered. His eyes widened and he drew a blade and pointed it at my gut. "You got a lot if nerve coming here..are ya' gonna try to follow in your uncle's footsteps and threaten me off my land too!?," he spat in a raspy tone deep tone. I shook my head,"A-Actually sir, I wanted to know what sort of news do you have on my parents death. My uncle never told me what happened and the uh, ex Hunters I know have your statements on file..," I swallowed. "I.. just want to know what really happened...sir." He glared at me before cutting the rope. I fell to the ground and stood up quickly. "We.. must talk inside..," he replied quietly as he looked around.

    Upon entering the hut, he had no trophies or anything to do with the death of wolves to be found. Instead there were a lot of strange artifacts hung all around. Some weird talismans I never seen before. He smiled slightly at me before pouring done tea into my glass as well as his own. "Now that I look at you..you are nothing like Darrius Grey..," he spoke before taking a sip of his tea. "I used to be..a dedicated Hunter just like him. We were best friends I know everything about him." I glanced doen into my cup the sipped on it as well. "But..Darrius had so much hate.. and jealousy of your mother and father. He actually fell fir your mother, Marrisa first but she was more attracted to your father and his nerdy intellect," he explained. "Marissa was the best female Hunter I knew, but she wasn't as into it once she me your father. They were slowly pulling away from the fate and your father didn't like that. He didn't like that at all..." I sipped the tea done more as the old man continued on. "...Urie, your father had a wolf soul," he stated. My eyes widened in near disbelief,"W-Wait..how can that be??" He gave a shrug,"I was just as surprised...we all were but your mother didn't care and loved him any way. As the love for him grew the hate in Darrius grew as well..." He then frowned,"Then..you were born..and that night in the forest..your father's pack was slaughtered. Darrius killed their Alpha and wore it's pelt over him like some sort of psychotic hommicidal maniac." He rubbed his chin as he spaced out a little. He recalled all the events like it was yesterday,"I..tried to stop him..I did..and I lost my eye. Your uncle killed your mother and then killed your father as his wolf became rabid with grief..he took you away and that was that. The last I heard or hear from him he called me a filthy druid and threatened me to leave my land." He sighed,"If those loyal Hunters that follow him so willingly knew he did this they would deem him a mad man." I bit on my lower lip,"No way..will I let him get away with this." He smiled kindly,"You are stubborn..just like Marrisa..your russet Brown skin reminds me of your father however.." I sighed a moment taking this story all in, and then..that word a moment ago caught my attention. "Druid??," I asked. He nodded,"I am a wolf guardian..or druid. Your mother had given up her life as a Hunter and became a druid." I exhaled quietly and stood,"I have to make things right with a certain someone..I don't want history to sort of repeat itself." He placed his hand on my shoulder, "I trust you will make the right decision."

     I bolted through the forest and stopped shortly to catch my breath. "SEBASTIAN!!! SEEBAASTIIAAN!!," I shouted out with every last bit of stamina I had. "Geez, you're so loud..," he joked. He wrapped my arms tightly around him. Nothing could fathom the similarity between how sorry and thankful I felt towards him. He smiled at me,"I..was actually just looking for you.." I glanced up at him,"Really??" He gave nod,"I followed your scent to the hut of a druid who told me you were looking for me as well when I asked him." He shrugged, "I..think its almost time to kidnap you and take you with me." I blushed a little and looked down,"Do..you think...they would accept me??" He nodded, "You didn't kill any of our kind your uncle did however.." His eyes turned gold, "He killed too many of our kind.. and now he must answer to that." It was true, my uncle had done so much wrong. More wrong than was needed. I decided today that I would prepare myself for the worse. I want to be a druid, and in doing so I WILL protect the wolves. Sebastian smiled at me, "I am starting to not regret falling for you to begin with.." I scoffed, "What does THAT suppose to mean?!" He placed his arms around my waste and pulled me close to him, as his eyes locked in with mine. "Everything...if you would only know how much I would do for you..and anyone else would think what a fool I would be to want this..," he stated. His lips moved lightly across the bangs of my forehead. My face immediately grew hot, and I looked down. "Y-You..can't start going to second base after w-we are just..dating," I replied quietly. He chuckled darkly, "Urie..I was at second base with you before I even touched you. You..want me..to want you." His words scent a tingle down my spine. "Oh, s-so you wouldn't want me to want you..?," I asked curiously fighting back loans as he had made his warm lips touch me down the nape of my neck. "I ALWAYS wanted you," he whispered. I flushed red immediately, and just when I thought he would continue he moved away. He smirked casually at me, and knew he had won. And the prize was my reactions. "Y-YOU UGH..," I scooped up a handful of leaves and threw them at his chest. He was greatly amused by me and my reactions. I rolled my eyes and started to make my way down the trail to the cabin. Sebastian walked behind and I could hear the silent smirk on his face still lingering. "LOOK OUT!!," Sebastian shouted and he immediately ran in front of me and tackled me to the ground as I was a few feet from my cabin. The cabin exploded into a million pieces and the remnants were covered in flames. I sat up slowly then stood as I watched the ashes if the explosion began to drift down in the air all over the ground. "Alpha's..remains.. I was going to take them back to the pack," Sebastian stated quietly. We were both surprised. Was..my uncle trying to KILL ME?? Cover it up and make it into another goddamn tragic accident. I blacked out I remember screaming and trying to run back inside. Sebastian had held me close to him. Everything I grew up knowing.. everything I thought was bad..wasn't bad. The lies living with the murderer of my parents. I..can't take this anymore. I tried to fight Sebastian off, but I eventually stopped and became limp with pain in his arms. "...Lets go..," he said quietly. He walked along side me but I pushed him away. "I DON'T NESS YOUR HELP I CAN DO THIS ALL BY MYSELF!!," I shouted. He looked hurt, but he instead folded his arms and gave me a strict tone, "Urie, this is the time to act..I have.. no other choice now but to take you to see the pack." I wasn't sure of what to do or where to go now. "Oh, thank goodness..," came a familiar voice. I looked to see my friend Kayden she looked at me with concern. "I..knew you were in trouble," she stated. "I had a really bad feeling..and I knew I shouldn't have decided to look into the past--" "No..its not your fault..it just became apparent what his real intentions were all along..," I cut her off. "If this is what it comes down to..I will definitely make him pay." I looked around and noticed Sebastian had gone before Kayden revealed herself. "Who are you looking for?? Your wolf friend?," she asked. I shook my head, "I hate to have to drag you along in this Kayden.." She smiled and shook her head, "Its kind of my issue anyway..I'm a druid and I was meaning to tell you..but yeah I wasn't too sure when your uncle was such a tool." I walked with her along the trail leading to town, "We have quite a bit to prepare for.."

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