2.2 Your Mate

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I had a dream I was being chased down by a bunch of wolves. I ran as fast as I could, and they were gaining on me. I finally stopped to catch my breath while hiding behind a bush. But..there was someone or something nearby. They growled and snarled, and I quickly gripped my blade as tightly as I could. I closed my eyes and tackled the wolf head on. I drove my dagger into its flesh. "DIE!!," I shouted and opened my eyes to realize it was Sebastian.

I woke from this horrendous dream covered in light beads of sweat. I looked around noticing I was alone again. I curled up a little muttering quietly to myself, "If Sebastian was still here I wouldn't feel so concerned.." A thought suddenly crossed my mind and gave me goosebumps. Am I.. in LOVE with him?! I shook the thought away as my face quickly flushed at the thought of Sebastian's charming smile. As many times as he did it with his sharp canine teeth. His eyes that were so beautiful and pale blue drilled holes into me. I stood suddenly and ruffled my hair quickly. "AHHH..I AM LOOSING IT," I shouted out makings Midnight jump in surprise. "Sorry.." I smiled sheepishly at her before treading upstairs. I showered and changed before checking my phone for the seven missed calls by Shanon. I noticed the time and cursed before tying my scarf around my neck and putting on my favorite beany knit cap. I called her back as I made my way towards the trail leading into town. "OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD URIE," she shouted out anxiously. "N-No, I just..fell asleep..," I answered. "For almost five hours??," she questioned. "Well..no..before I had a boyfriend over," I tried to explain. She then giggled, "Ah..a 'friend.' Well I guess you are excused this day..but next time plan your little shenanigans earlier please??" I can't believe this. She automatically assumed I'm dating someone. ...Wait am I?? I thought of the events that happened for the last few days, and being around him. He watched me break..I saw him..break..he almost kissed me. I.. wanted him to. He makes me feel safe. "Shit..shit..shit," I muttered. "Look, don't freak Kayden and I are just glad that you finally found someone," she replied. "...I'm coming over," I stated as I was already standing in front of her house finally. I hung up and knocked on her door. She looked at me with eyes wide as I barged in and paced around a little. "I..how..do you know you love someone??," I choked out. I can't believe I am doing this right now. "I-Is it a spur of the moment..am I tricking myself??" She smiled slightly at me and let me continue on as Kayden as well watched a little stunned. "I..my chest feels tight and I can't breath..I..I'm not like this," I stammered. I then noticed that they both looked at me as if I was an alien. I let a sigh escape my lips,"I'm going to go..." "No no no, stay and tell us what's going on," Kayden spoke casually. She pushed her frames up over her nosebridge and smoothed her dark short hair behind her ear. She held a fag in one hand and had a casual calm expression now. I sat down slowly and stared off not sure what to say. "...Well??," Shanon edged on. Kayden handed me a glass and poured wine into it. I usually detested alcohol of any kind of caliber because I had to deal with it at work. "I..am not sure anymore," I stated quietly. "So..its a guy right?," Kayden asked. I glared at her as she stated that. She shrugged, "I have known you since you were a kid.. you're practically my twin. You were always so paranoid and defensive and stubborn of course." I shrugged a little even though everything she said was true. "I always knew you were.. gay Urie," she smiled slightly. "I-I get that..but if you only knew..," I started. She nodded and looked at me seriously,"Oh I'm sure that I'm aware." Shanon looked at us both and blinked, "What?? What's going on? Am I missing something?" Kayden shook her head, "No..its something unimportant." Her short pause said otherwise however. Kayden was perhaps the only person who knew what I did on my off days. I was a Hunter and so was she and her family. She knows my uncle, practically everyone knows him as a psychopathic Hunter who doesn't squander any foolishlessness. Kayden's family were more so lenient in fact that quickly gave up their job as Hunters and decided to live normal lives. Kayden still hunts though, but only on game...no wolves. "You used to be pretty heartless, after you did your Loner I almost thought your personality had bled out," she frowned. "It..kinda did," I said quietly. "Well, this sounds depressing I wish I knew what was going on," Shanon sighed. I then looked at them both, "I guess we should just drink and be merry," I replied. "I AM SO DOWN FOR THAT!!," Shanon shouted and turned on the radio which played some decent pop music. I continued to drink on my wine, but my mind wondered about him the entire time. After a can or two of margarita I was tipsy. "You're so..mean Urie you never let anyone in," Shanon slurred. She had maybe eight cans and two glasses of wine. "We are your friends you should tell us some things," Shanon added. I then stood up, "I have to go.." Shanon, slouched forward and was unconcious from all the alcohol. Kayden stood and sighed a moment, "So..can you explain to me why you are falling for a wolf?" I sipped more on my drink. "Um..I'm not sure what you're--," I started. "You do know..and I also hope you know how upset your uncle would be," she cut in. I glanced at Shanon who was down for the count. It didn't seem that way when she was dancing around earlier. "Yeah, and I don't care," I replied. Her eyes widened a little, "You do know this is your uncle we are talking about right?? He literally has a nickname for himself." I nodded slowly, "I was planning on leaving in the beginning." She adjusted her coke bottle frames and gave a sigh,"Just..be careful. You know as well as I do how dangerous..he is. You would rather be wolf kill than to cross him." I know all too well, my uncle is damn near heartless. All if not most Hunters think of him as a threat and know to stay out of his way. "Honestly, I believe your parents were giving up the lifestyle of being Hunters to provide for you..but you don't recall the wolf that injured you..at all??," Kayden asked. I nodded, "I.. don't even remember the fur color." She sat back and took a drag from her cigarette,"How strange..are you.. even certain it WAS a wolf??" She asked the question like she knew something that I didn't and that alone made my skin crawl. "I..no..," I answered. She put out her cigarette and stood as well,"If you need anything you can call me..there is.. something I need confirmation on." She walked with me to the door, and I walked outside being stung instantly by the cold air. She wrapped her gray scarf around her neck then smiled casually at me her black lipstick showing mysteriously on her lips,"Until then..stand by for my texts or phone calls." With that she walked away to her Jeep. I let put a sigh and hid my hands in my pockets. It's official..I'm in love with him. But now..I have to worry about my psychotic uncle finding out. And.. possibly Hunters trying to kill him. "Love is bliss..," I mumbled to myself as I reached the trail leading into the forest. It was completely dark outside, and I was tipsy. This sucked eggs, I could be easy prey for anything out here. There was a low growl and my eyes glanced from one area to another. I stood fast and gripped the blade in my pocket tightly. "I..don't have time for this," I slurred and looked around me. I heard another growl and something light but limber tackled and sat on me. Her dark brunette thick wavy hair fell over her face and her piercing eyes glared ne down. "Who are you??! Why do you smell like--," she started but another voice came into light. "Warble, what are you doing all the way out here??," the familiar voice was heard. Warble stood off of me and pulled me to my feet with little effort,"I caught a guy that smelled like you..and almost thought it was you..." She blinked a little and looked at Sebastian. "Almost..," she stated quietly. "But he staggered around and he smells of alcohol now. I could barely keep myself conscious enough to hear anything. "Warble, you silly girl that's my mate," Sebastian stated quite boldly. "Your MATE??!," the girl squeaked. Sebastian smiled slightly and thought about the thought again, "...Yes Warble I think he is my mate or soon to be hopefully." Warble set me down and walked over to me her tone sounded oddly serious now, "Does Alpha know? Does he know that you are..falling for a human..and not just any human..a Hunter?" The small girl's hair staticed all over and she seemed as if she was going to shift into her wolf right there. "No..he doesn't..but..would it help if I said that I think I found Alpha's scent..?," Sebastian started. Warble's eyes grew wide with astonishment she then smiled and calmed down a bit,"Where, where~?!" Sebastian's expression dropped a little, "I..will tell you more when we go back to our lands." She beamed and spung around a little,"Okay okay~ are you going now?" Sebastian nodded, "But first I will help this human home..so you can go on ahead." She jumped up and down, and then stopped a moment as her voice sounded serious again,"Be careful..he smells like a small hint of wolfdeath." She then turned away and disappeared into the forest. Sebastian helped me stand silently, his face looked concern. "Why..what's wrong," I slurred quietly. "...Nothing..," he obviously lied. He carried me towards the cabin on his back, "I may..have to leave permenately soon." When he said that I forced my limp head up to glare at him,"No..no..don't leave." He shrugged lightly,"No choice..if I stay I would risk you getting killed for something that wasn't your fault." As we walked inside the cabin, Sebastian froze completely where he stood. A new wolf statue was up now and already stuffed. Sebastian trembled all over,"I...didnt want to believe it..I wanted to ignore it..I wanted to think I was insane." I raised my head a little and slid off of his back glancing where he was staring. "He..has been here..I have to leave now," I frowned. I walked a few steps ahead of Sebastian but he gripped my arm tightly and shoved me against the wall. His eyes looked gold, and he looked really upset,"This is all YOUR fault..if I have killed you like I was supposed to.." I looked at him with wide eyes as I was starting to sober up. Killed me?? ...Why, but you said.. "Your uncle killed my Alpha Urie," Sebastian spat out. He then stood still and a howl was heard on the distance. "...Great..just..great," Sebastian sighed. I glanced at him completely torn up inside,"...I..didn't know. If I did I would have stopped him." Sebastian scoffed,"Not because you wanted to..but for me." Sebastian opened the door and ran out of it disappearing into the trees. I stood there and felt a very powerful pain. It was in my chest, and I have never felt something so alarming before today. Just earlier it pounded hard, and healthy. It beat so strongly at the thought of one person. It belonged to that person, and not to me anymore. Now...the strong beats are nothing but murmurs and self hate for going through with things. My phone ringed and I glanced at a new note on the fridge:

       Dear Urie,

        I will be back soon. 3 Days.

        I bet that Alpha statue looks good

         posted up there.

I answered my phone as hate ran through my veins. I looked at the note and grabbed it crushing it within my fingers. "I found out news about your parents death Urie..," Kayden replied as she sounded like she was searching through something. "There is evidence with the Hunter who was with them at the time..he is alive and he says that they were murdered by a man in a wolf pelt." I breathed heavily as the images came rushing back,"I'm sure I know who it is. And I will take care of it..."

WOLF SOUL (bxb) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora