Chp.1 - the beginning of the second

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Third person POV:
Flashback- everyone wearing masks some homemade. Everyone is shouting and there are dogs barking when a mother with her son on her hip start to make their way through the crowd. When they get to the front she puts him down and looks him in the eye and says "remember I love you, I love you Thomas" that's when a man in a uniform and gas mask picks him up and starts to drag him away "mom" he shouts trying to reach out back to her but she can only let a few tears slip as she watches her son be taken away.

Suddenly standing next to the mom is a little girl around the same age as Thomas but she is holding the hand of a even younger girl. In the hand of the oldest girl she has a necklace that she will give her sister when the time is right. The guards notice them and they pick them up to carrying them away from the large crowd.

They are on a train with a bunch of guards and other little kids. The youngest of the girls locks her green eyes with a little boys blue ones. She sends him a tiny smile which he returns. Suddenly a woman with blond hair and a white suit places her hand on Thomas' shoulder and says "Thomas everything is going to be ok"

Then everything goes black

Thomas suddenly shoots up and he realizes he is in the box which is going up at alarming speeds "no no no no" Thomas shouts while banging on the walls of the box "THOMAS" he suddenly hears and looks up and sees the red awaiting doors which start to open "nooooo" he shouts but when it reaches the top he gets blinded by a light.

"Thomas" Mihno shouted making Thomas wake up to realize he is in a helicopter "WAKE UP WE GOTTA GO" Mihno shouts "Come on" Thomas is pulled out of the elevator by a guard and is dragged away from the helicopter when Thomas suddenly remembered the wood artifact that Chuck gave him "wait wait wait wait" he shouts. Against the protests of the guard Thomas runs back to the helicopter and under a backpack he finds it. The guard grabs Thomas by the soldier and shouts "go on get out of here" before shouting "cranks" and going to shoot them with his gun. Two guards push Thomas towards his group and another guards grabs him and they start to run to the building. Thomas makes it through the large doors and turns around to see the doors close.

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