13: Selcouth

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      The sound of bullets hitting against a frosted slab was undefined as the feel of bullet launched against his chapped skin. The two were ponderous yet they couldn't compare to her words cupped in gnaw radically emaciating.

He grew heavier, just watching her lips conjure, with eyes lined on loathe. Continuously, she lured knife piercing words that held him in the fingers of acute-agonized.

He wanted to dispense, defend but the truth was enough to make him subtle to his skin and skin only. No set of defence could pull him out as he had sent a soul knocking at the doors of the world underneath. A soul of  grand importance to her.

What a fool had he been to have let himself become submissive to the ways of the wrong. He sighed knowing it was too late to beat himself. The deed had been done worse of all, it was a deed he knew would forever be weighed upon him.

Dear lord, he whispered for death through his withered lips

"Murderer!" Her voice fell under a slow rhythm rocked into the evening whispers. From where Jonathan was boring his head in prayers. He looked up staring at the girl who had reddened in sorrow. Her fingers kept pointing at him with her body launching at his despite the cold hands that obstructed her motion.

Yet,She didn't give up.

Attempt after attempt seemed to only fuel her rage till it had eaten her to whist. whist that ate her soul thawed in hate leaving her in a sulken state.

Jonathan watched, in silence. He couldn't bear the sight of a girl who once ran the fields in delight  now running on trembled roads. He had wrecked her life, torn her world apart. If only she knew this from the start she would have gunned him the night she had returned but Destiny never shows us our fate till it was willing too.

How saddened can that be?

"Jonathan!" The bitter voice of his past awakened him from his thoughts. "Don't be a downer,as you can see you're a hero in our little story."

"A villain to mine. I hate you." Madison yelled throwing her hands up but the baracade hadn't only tightened the grip on her feet but had also sent her head flying unto the wall in a heavy thud. The sight of blood of maroon coated ran down her head gently colliding with her lips.

She was still, for a second Jonathan assumed she was dead till he noticed her moving gingerly. He let out a soft moan, only to back it up with words he wished  never left his lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was-" he swallowed hard unable to make the words leave his lips."I'm so sorry."

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