~Please Request Here~

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The title pretty much says it all.

Please only request in this 'Chapter', so I don't get confused.

Fluff = 🌺
Angst = 💔
Lemon = 🍋
Smut = 🍊
Headcanons = 🎭
Violence = ⚔️


1) I'm open to almost anything. Fluff, Angst, Smut or Lemon. I'm cool with anything


2) I won't write too overly yandere stuff our other toxic topics. I don't mind overprotectiveness but I won't write any character killing for their loved one. I don't support toxic relationships and if you're in one right now, please get some help. Talk to someone you trust and who can help you. You can even write to me if you want. I might not be able to help with your problem but I'd be glad to help, even if it's simply listening.

3) At the beginning of most chapters I'll be writing some Warnings, if there are any. Please take notes of this and if the one-shots contains content you're not comfortable with, please skip it. I wouldn't want to be responsible for any uncomfortableness or triggers.

4) Please no hate comments.
If you don't like the stories I write, that is fine. Simply don't read it and try another book. And I'm pretty sensitive with too many critical comments, so please be considered with me.

5) Just sit back and enjoy my silly daydreams.

~See ya~

❤️Love you all❤️

Anime boys x reader (one-shots) Where stories live. Discover now