Deja vu

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A/n : this is kinda sucky but it's an idea I got a while ago from the other girls pov

Warnings: unedited as always

Hi I'm y/n. You may also know me as Johnny's newest girlfriend. He's super funny and extremely sweet, he always takes me on dates and tells me these hilarious jokes he even taught me piano.

I love him a lot but he's not ready to say it back yet. I totally understand I mean that's normal right? it had something to do with his ex...

I checked her Instagram the other day, she's really pretty and she makes music too, I think that's why her and Johnny clicked. She came out with a song the other day and it's been all over the charts. Johnny hasn't said anything about it but I was getting tagged in some comments from fan pages of hers. Some of them hate, the others pity. So I decided to take matters into my own hands me listen to the song myself.
One scroll led to the other and I ended up going through edits of them together comparing her to me and how similar our relationships were.
They used to trade jackets, like we do. And there was one where they were having a picnic on the beach eating strawberry ice cream, a lot like my first date with Johnny.

There's even a post of them singing billy Joel together, Johnny played me uptown girl last week and they used to watch the office that's our favourite show.

The longer I looked the more it became clear how similar I was to her. We have the same coloured eyes, we're the same height our names even sound the same. The other day he even tried talking me into dyeing my hair the same colour as hers.

But no matter how hard he tries to turn me into her I'm not her, I'll never be her. I see the glimpse of disappointment after every kiss and I notice how sometimes he'll call me the wrong name but I ignore it. I ignore it because I love him.

I ignore it because I don't care if I'm just a rebound I don't care if it breaks me as long as I get to fix him. I cant change the fact that I give him déjà vu.

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