Welcome to Uni

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A/n: you might hate me but this is kinda short

don't worry because I actually stg I'm updating on Friday with a part 2 I just wanted to make this more fun so you'll definitely be excited about Friday's update! Also sorry for the long break I absolutely hate doing school online and my mind is kind of all over the place.

Warnings: (unedited as always) none, except some simpish behaviour


Today is the day my life as a young adult starts. My first day in the real world. It took me a while to drag all my stuff from my car up to my dormitory but amazingly I did it! I would've gotten help from my mom but I told her I wanted to be independent and all that Jazz.

My keys jangled as I turned the lock of the door and opened it to see possibly the hottest creature I've ever laid eyes on in person. A blonde boy with a beautiful Jawline standing shirtless with a pair of grey jogger, giving me a perfect view of his toned six-pack.

Wait a minute, what is he doing in my dorm?


The boy turned around, confusion washing over his face. "Hey..how'd you get in my dorm?" he questioned. "I have a key." "People are selling keys to get in my dorm?!" His face was immediately replaced by fear. "No, housing gave it to me, I was assigned to this room."

"Why would they assign you to the boy's tower?"

"This is the boy's tower?! No wonder I saw so many guys on the way up.."

"Here, I'll call housing and see if they made some kind of mistake." He walked out of the lounge into his room, so I left my stuff by the door and patiently waited at the couch. Around five minutes later he walked back out and placed his phone on the coffee table. "apparently the girls' tower is full so you're bunking with me until further notice. Welcome to uni, roomie!" 

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