" Chapter 1 "

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"Can I get a 6 medium frozen lemonade please?" I ask the woman at the counter at Tim Hortons.

I grab the 6 lemonades I ordered for my friends and sat down at a table big enough for us all.

"Hey Elizabeth" I look up to see my two best friends, Kayleigh and Alexa.

"Omigosh hey guys! We haven't seen each other for so long!" I stand up and gave them both a hug.

"I know right since youth finished for the summer we barely have seen each other." Lexi states. We all went to the same youth group. It was Kayleigh, Alexa, Xavier, Calvin, and Hunter. That was our squad.

They sit down and we mostly talked about Kayleigh and Hunter. They were together and I would say pretty much the cutest couple ever! It was weird at first because Hunter and I have been friends since kindergarten and he was like a brother to me. But it all worked out, they don't third wheel me and I get to talk to them both about each other!

We talked for a couple minutes more and then the guys showed up. If no one in Timmy's knew my name, they do now.

"ELLIE!!!" Xavier yelled and ran towards me. I stood up and gave him a huge hug. Xavier was kinda over dramatic but it was funny, yet sometimes embarrassing.

I gave Calvin and Hunter a hug and we all sat down.

"You bought us all lemonades? I love you!" Xavier says and they all thank me.

They all started talking about their summer so far, mine was pretty boring to be honest. I had slept most of the days, gone shopping, I was on the Internet a lot, and I also worked. Ya nothing special there, but at least it wasn't school.

These guys were my family. I loved them all so much!

There was Kayleigh, the smart one. Kay and I had been friends since kindergarten. The funny thing is that my mom taught her kindergarten! Our family's were really close and her parents were pretty much my parents too. Kayleigh was super pretty. She had blonde/dirty blonde hair, cute little freckles, and she was a little taller than me.

Then there was Alexa. I always called her Lexi or Lex for short. We met actually through Kayleigh. At the time I didn't go to their church, but Kayleigh would always invite me and Lexi for sleepovers so we became really close. Lexi was honestly drop dead gorgeous. She could be a model if she wanted to. She was naturally tanned, tall, slim, and her hair was dark and curly, very curly.

Hunter, my 'brother' and Kayleigh's boyfriend. He was quite immature but most guys are. But he was also very sweet. He had a big heart and although he hates me calling him this, he's one big teddy bear! He was kinda like the dad of the 'family' although he liked doing crazy stuff he'd always make sure we didn't get too out of hand and he was very protective. He was tall, big, and had blonde shaggy hair.

You thought Hunter was immature? Wait until you meet Calvin! I think he just never grew up. He was like the baby of the family. We all loved him but he got annoying sometimes. He was also the jokester. He loved playing pranks and just joking around and having fun. We always made fun of him for his 'baby face' and he'd hate it. Him and Lexi would playfully argue a lot. He was tall, buff, and had dark hair, and like I said before, a cute little baby face! ;)

Then there was Xavier. I think I was closest with Xavier, although I've known Hunter longer. But Xavier had always been there for me, through my bad days and my good days. We were like that guy/girl best friend you know? He was black, tall (like a lot taller than me) he had an Afro and was super funny.

And then there was me. Elizabeth, but Everyone calls me Elle and Xavier calls me Ellie. I had brown hair, blue eyes, and I was short. Well at least compared to the guys I was. I liked to have fun! I was very social, loved talking and partying, and a I wanted was to have a good time. But I was also quite sensitive. I had a heart as big as a teddy bear! I cared for people. And if someone was hurt or sad I would be the first one there to help. I loved-

"Elle? What do you think? Good idea? Or nah?" Calvin asks me. I totally wasn't even paying attention, which was normal for me. I had an attention span of a fruit fly.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention-"

"-well that's a shocker!" Hunter says sarcastically and everyone laughs.

"I suggest we all go on a road trip!"


Ok so just so you guys know...this book will not be updated as frequently as My Little Secret. So ya. And I hope you enjoy this first chapter 2 will be updated in about a week or whenever I decide I want to publish it! Thanks! I love you all! :D

Road TripOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant