10. Lunch

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After retrieving Zuko's lunch from the kitchen, you were extra cautious while making your way back to his bedroom. After your encounter with Azula, you had become quite fearful. She was the kind of person you'd expected to find in the Fire Kingdom, feeling relief that she seemed to be the only one you had met that was actually like that. Now you knew that you'd have to be extra wary, not wanting to run into her and face the punishment she had threatened.

Spotting Zuko's room up ahead, you let out a sigh of relief and hurried over. Moving the tray to one hand, you used to the other to open the door and entered. Hearing the door open, Zuko directed attention to you, his face lighting up at the sight of you. Taking a seat at the low table in his room, you approached and placed the tray down before sitting on the opposite side of it. Instead of seats were small red pillows, much like the one you were designated in your 'spot' in Zuko's room. Except this one was a lot more comfortable, not being as thin.

"What took you so long?" he asked, sounding unaware of the dangers outside his room. You hesitated, not knowing how to bring it up. Zuko had admitted that he found his sister and her friends annoying, but other than that you had no clue of his actual feelings about her. For all you knew, he could find her annoying but still have a strong sibling bond with her. You found your older brother annoying at times but got along with him better than anyone else, reminding you that you hadn't ever seen that siblings interact before.

"Did something happen on the way?" he continued, noticing your hesitation. Lifting your head, you took in the now concerned expression on Zuko's face. It reminded you that Zuko was one of the kindest people you had met, not just here in the Fire Nation, but in general. Taking a deep breath, you decided it would be best to confess what had happened.

"I um actually ran into your sister on the way," you admitted, lowering your gaze to stare at the dark wooden table. Even after hearing you speak, he continued to watch you with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" he asked, being able to tell that you were a little shaken up by the encounter. Giving a shy nod, you moved your hand to the back of your neck nervously.

"I'm fine, she only threatened me and tripped me over," you told him, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

"Only?!" Zuko announced, sounding irritated by what you had just said. Waving your hands frantically in front of you, you tried to defuse the situation.

"It's nothing too bad, I'll just try and stay out of her way so there won't be any trouble," you tried to assure him. Zuko heaved a loud sigh, sitting up straight to look you directly in the eyes.

"My sister is an awful person," he said bluntly before reaching for the tray in front of him. You stared at him in disbelief for a moment as he started eating, feeling a little shocked that he had said something like that. You were honestly afraid that he would see Azula in a good light because she was his sister, but this meant that wasn't the case. Maybe he would be able to protect you from her, that idea giving you the comfort you desired.

Now that Zuko had started eating, you weren't sure what to do. You couldn't really talk to him since he wasn't able to answer, his mouth being full of food. Feeling a bit awkward, you sat there in silence and subconsciously went back to the ways you were taught earlier. You remained quiet, keeping your eyes on your lap, Zuko immediately noticing your change in behaviour. Looking down at his tray, he picked up a bowl of grapes and placed it on the table. He then pushed it towards you, the movement in your direction catching your attention.

"Have some," he encouraged, still having food in his mouth. The gesture was unexpected, making you feel nervous.

"I really shouldn't, that food is for you," you assured him, not wanting to impose on his meal. You couldn't help but admit that it looked good though. The fruit looked pristine and succulent, adorning an attractive shine to its skin. And that wasn't it, many other dishes covered different plates and bowls on the tray, eac one looking more delicious than the next. You didn't know if he'd be able to finish all of the food, it was certainly a meal fit for a Prince.

"You should eat, "he encouraged, continuing to push you to have some. Staring down at the bowl of green and purple grapes, you felt an immediate desire to eat them. They looked really good and since Zuko seemed set on getting you to eat, you decided to give in. Lifting one of the pieces of fruit to your mouth, you bit down and hummed in delight as the sweet juices covered your tongue.

"Do you like it?" he asked, looking interested in your answer. Chewing and swallowing the remainder of the fruit, you nodded happily. Feeling a little embarrassed with your display, a light blush covered your cheeks.

"It's really good," you admitted, reaching for another. Zuko watched as you continued to eat, savouring the taste of each grape. Staring, he couldn't help but wonder about you. He didn't know much about you at all, making him want to know more.

"Is the food the same where you're from?" he asked, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand as he waited for your answer. Swallowing your mouthful, you gave it some thought.

"Kind of, we don't get much fruit or vegetables unless they're imported. We mainly eat fish and other seafood since we live so close to the ocean," you recalled, knowing that this wouldn't give away where you were actually from.

"I'd like to visit somewhere like that, maybe one day you could take me there," he said seriously. Hearing that surprised you, making you freeze up a little. Letting out some nervous laughter, you nodded your head.

"Sure, I bet everyone would be surprised to see me walking around with the Prince of the Fire Nation," you told him. You could imagine it, not knowing how everyone in the Northern Water Tribe would react if you were to bring Zuko back with you. Not that you expected that to ever happen. From everything you'd been told, you knew that there was no escaping this place. You just hoped that Zuko wouldn't ever want to visit the place you were from, knowing that you'd be exposed if you were to appear at one of the Fire Nation islands and have no one recognise you.

You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when Zuko stood from his seat, beginning to head towards the door.

"I'll be back, I'm heading to the bathroom," he notified you before leaving. Once he was gone, you let out a long sigh and rested your head on the table.

For now, you knew you were safe, but if anyone tried to pry into your background you feared that they would discover where you were really from. You wondered how Zuko would react if he found out you were actually from the Northern Water Tribe. Would he forgive you for lying or perhaps become one of those Fire Nation residents that you feared? You hoped he would understand your position if you were ever found out and hold onto your friendship no matter what.


Zuko heaved a sigh of relief as he re-entered his bedroom. Wiping the remnants of water from his hands on his pants, he directed his attention to you.

"(Y/n)," he called out, noticing that you were laying your head on the table. But as he approached, he noticed that you were asleep. Now it was just him and your sleeping figure, making Zuko feel unsure of what to do.

Coming closer, he took a seat beside you on your side of the table. Now that he was a lot closer, he could properly hear your slow, calm breaths. Stirring a little in your sleep, a piece of hair came loose, falling in front of your face. Zuko didn't hesitate to reach for it, tucking it behind your ear with a soft smile adorning his features. He felt happy seeing you so relaxed in his company, knowing that nothing bad would happen when you were around him.

Resting his head on the table, he watched you as you slept, eventually closing his eyes as he started feeling tired. Since you had arrived, he'd had a lot of fun. Zuko was grateful that he could have you by his side, being alone before you walked into his life.

Sorry it's been a while, had a lot of assignments due recently so all my time went into working on those. I really love writing all this cute, fluffy stuff between (Y/n) and Zuko. Can't wait to write more for you guys :)

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