"Everyone saw you together, so I think it's time for a reunion." He simply said under the surprised gazes of the lads.

"Excuse me?" Louis shouted. "First you come and disrespect me in my own home, then have the audacity to force one of my friends out of here, and now you want to control us again?! I'm not falling for this bullshit anymore!"

"Well, if you want it or not, every single one of you is still under a contract, meaning I still own you. So as far as I know, I am the one who gets to decide when to bring you back together. You all reunited without my permission, and you will pay the price of it."

"Are you fucking serious?" Harry screamed back. "We didn't reunite for fucking brunch, Louis' mother passed away and we all decided to come here and support him, not because we wanted to be reunited, but because we have a heart, something that you apparently never owned nor heard of Simon! You didn't even bother showing up yesterday, and you're not even here right now to pay your respect, just to be an asshole! You fucking heartless, selfish and money hungry piece of shi-"

"Are you done?" Simon said, cutting him off. "Once again, this reunion will happen as soon as possible. Beside that, you should thank me, Zayn doesn't deserve to be here anyway, remember he left you in the middle of tour? What a prick. We don't need him, he needs us. We will be just fine without him right boys?"

"Get out." Niall spat under the gasps of the other lads.

He usually never respond to Simon, he always tried to stay neutral and to not intervene when it's none of his business.

But this time, it was different.

"Pardon me, Nialler?" Simon said sarcastically, smirking which pissed Niall off even more.

"None of us need you, Simon. You need us, we're your biggest source of income, you're nothing without us. Now shut up and leave, you're not welcome here."

The old man's smile just vanished right off of his face as the other three lads agreed, standing behind Niall, arms crossed.

It felt like old times all over again, them versus management. Even when everyone was against them, they knew they had each other back's no matter what, and that's what really mattered.

Not going to lie, living this kind of moment all over again felt pretty darn good.

"I'm leaving, but remember, I still own you." He said. "Oh and you're wrong my little Nialler, Harry still needs me, remember I also manage his solo career, right Styles?"

His annoying smirk formed his lips yet again, winking at them before stepping outside the room, and soon out of the house.

This was a fucking nightmare, they all wanted that reunion, but not in these conditions. This was horrible.

Niall fought with himself in his head a hundred time to see if he should go look for Zayn or not, but the most logical answer seemed to lean towards no. Maybe he needed some time to himself and needed to be alone? He should let him be.

"So.. what are we going to do now?" Asked Liam after a few moments of silence.

"I don't think we have a choice." Louis replied, massaging his forehead. "We're still under a fucking contract."

"Fuck sake." Is all that Harry said as he slammed his back against the wall.

"And you're mad now?" Tomlinson snapped, looking at his ex-boyfriend. "I told you that we needed to get out of this contract as soon as the band split, but nop. You decided to fuck me over, running back to him."

"Are you seriously trying to blame me right now?" H replied.

"I'm not, I'm just saying that you should have listened to me. Seriously what the fuck got into you back then? One day you wanted to sue Simon and the next you told me to fuck off and signed another contract with the bastard? What the hell?"

"Louis it's not the right time to talk about this." Styles said in a calmer tone.

"Yes it isn't." Niall spat as everyone looked at him in shock. "Sorry that you guys broke up, but we have way bigger problems right now. So can you just spare us for a second?! We need to think about our next move or else it won't fucking work."

They stared at him for a moment before everyone nodding in understanding, as they took a seat next to one another.

So many unanswered questions, yet again. However, the only one that was running through the boys mind was...

What the fuck is going on?!


Poor Zaynie :(

The boys can never catch a break with me I feel kinda bad now woops


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