Over for now.........

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Peter's POV

I was walking through the school hallways with Ned, the next morning.

"It looked so insane. That whole- Like, it was just crazy. He...he was just." He than imitated the sound of a weapon firing. "And you were like Ah." I quickly shushed him. "And than You just hit him with the woosh." He imitated my web shooters. "It was so—oh, my gosh."

"I mean you helped us. A big time man." I smiled. He patted my shoulder. We stopped walking in the hallway when we saw Liz hugging Betty. With her mom, holding a box of her things. Tears in all their eyes.

"Ned...I am so sorry." I whispered. He just kept his eyes forward. Staring at the girls. "Go talk to her." I nudged him forward and he walked up to Liz. I watched as they talked and it ended up with them hugging and her placing a kiss to his cheek. He walked back to me, the biggest goofiest smile on his face.

"Look at you hot shot." I laughed.

"Shut up." He chuckled.

"Come on we're gonna be late." I said. We walked into the library and sat down at the table. All of our whole decathlon team sat at the table as well.

"Congratulations, decathlon national champions." Mr Harrington spoke proudly as he placed our trophy on the table and sat down. We all started clapping and cheering.

"Im gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon. But just for motivation for this practice. I'm ahead of the game. But we will need a new team Captain for next year. So I a appointing Michelle." Me Harrington spoke as he turned to look at MJ. We all started clapping again.

"Uh, thank you. But my friends call me MJ." She said.

"I thought you didn't have any friends?" Ned asked

"I didn't." She responded with a small smile. My phone started buzzing and I looked down at it.

Unknown Number
Go to the bathroom

I looked up at everyone and shifted in my seat.
"I uh, gotta go."

"Hey, Where are you going?" MJ asked. I just pointed to the door. "What are you hiding, Peter?" She asked as she leaned closer to me. I just looked at her dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say.

"I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye." She laughed and leaned back. I quickly got up and walked into the bathroom. Standing in the middle of the bathroom, with his back towards me, was Happy.

"Hey, Happy. What Uh—? What are you doing here?" I asked. I was very confused.

"I really owe you and Wanda one. I don't know what I would do without this job. I mean before I even met Tony..." The sound of a toilet flushing, cut him off. A kid walked out of the stalls and washed his hands, than dried them. He than left the bathroom and the entire time. He was looking at us very weirdly. I mean I don't blame him.

"So, uh, how long have you been here?" I asked

"Long enough to be awkward. Boss wants to see you."

"Is here to?" I whispered and pointed to the Stall's.

"In the toilet? No, He's upstate."

"Upstate. The new compound is complete?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, now let's go." He said as he walked by me.

Wanda's POV
Happy picked me up about ten minutes ago and now I was just sitting in the car. Waiting for Happy to bring Peter out.

They finally came out and Peter opened the door.

"Wanda?!" He said surprised and happy.

"Hi baby." I smiled. He got into the car and grabbed my hand.

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