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Peter POV's

Tony finished fixing the ship and helped the people. We swung onto a rooftop. When we landed, I took off my mask and I was scared at what Tony was gonna say to me. Wanda also looked distraught, I knew she was trying not to piss of Tony. Since he literally saved her ass and helped her not be a criminal. But I mean he put her in jail and also attempted to kill her, when she worked with Ultron. So I think their even.

We walked over to a ledge and hung our legs over. Staring at the ferry as rescue boats arrived. I felt Wanda grab my hand and she gave me a comforting squeeze. I turned to her and she had a warm smile plastered on her beautiful ass face.

"I love you." I said, I just felt like I  needed to tell her that. She laughed softly and kissed my hand.

"I love you to Peter." We both leaned in to kiss, when the sound of an iron man suit. Caught our attention. I turned away to see the suit land behind us.

"Previously on Peter screws the pooch along with his trusty girlfriend. I told you guys both to stay away. Instead Peter, you hacked a multimillionaire suit, so you could sneak around behind my back. Doing the one thing I told you guys not to do." He began. He was just making the pain in my stomach grow more and more, the more he talked.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked distraught.

"No, thanks to you guys." He replied. I felt my heart sink a little in my chest. Wanda squeezed my hand tighter and I sighed in defeat. I turned to look at her and I could see her eyes pool with tears. I began to feel a little angry.

"Wait, no thanks to us. Those weapons were out there and we tried to warn you about it. But you didn't listen." I said, my voice hoarse and sadness. I began to walk over to him.

"This is wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to us!" I yelled. I knew I actually wasn't talking to Tony through the suit, because he wasn't there the last time. So why would he be here now. Wanda came to my side and held my hand again.

"If you actually cared about us, like you say you do. You would be here right now!" I said. The suit than opener up and Tony walked out.

I screamed internally and backed away in fear. Wanda doing the same thing. He looked between the two of us, with a disappointing look.

"I did listen kids. Who do you think called the F.B.I, huh. You guys know I have so much faith in you. Everyone else right now, doesn't think you can guys can handle it. I'm the only one who thinks you can. They think I'm crazy for recruiting two 16 year olds." Tony said right in our faces.

"I'm 17." Wanda mumbled.

"No! This is where you zip it! The adult is talking." Tony yelled right in Wanda's face. As subtlety and quickly as I could. I moved my self in front of Wanda. I knew Tony wouldn't do anything, but my protective boyfriend instinct kicked in.

"What if someone had died tonight. Different story right? Because that's on you two. And if you guys died. I feel like that's on me." Tony said. I could hear the pain in his voice.

"I'm sorry, sir." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." Wanda whispered as well.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." He said.

"I just wants to be like you." I said. He looked at me disappointed again.

"And I wanted you to be better." He said. My heart sank to my feet and my breath hitched. That was a rough thing to hear.
"Alright if it's not working out. Than I'm gonna need the suits back."

"For how long?" I asked offended

"Forever." He responded

"No, no, no please." I begged. "I can't give it.....I need it. I'm nothing without this suit." I cried out. Not realizing what I just said.

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