Found! Flying Vulture Guy

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Wanda's POV

Peter quickly swung us up to the sign and webbed onto the guys feet, he was to far away for me to grab him with my powers, so this was our resort.

As Peter held on for dear life. As vulture sped through the air at top speed. We began to fly through the clouds, it was beautiful. Even tho we were both screaming our heads off, but we quickly shut up so he wouldn't hear us.

When we arrived at the plane, Vulture stuck him self to the bottom of it as Peter started flopping around, hitting his head against the plane. I was clutching onto him for dear life and biting my cheek so hard so I wouldn't scream, I could feel a blood taste in my mouth.

"Wanda keep holding on." Peter yelled. Did he really think I was just gonna let go.

"Yeah no shit." I yelled back. When I could see clearly, the wings of the vulture were left. It looked like he created a vacuum seal so he could hop into the plane with that weird purple vortex looking thing, what he used to rob that truck the other day.

Peter began kicking the wings and after his third kick, they moved, making the vacuum seal fail. Suddenly one of the wings dropped and he appeared in his gear.

"AHHH!" We both screamed. He flew off and Peter began climbing up the side of the plane.

"Just a typical homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet. Fighting Ned's girlfriend dad with my boyfriend." I said with a bit of laughter, from how ridiculous that sounded.

Vulture than flew at us and cut the plane with his wings. Peter let go, leaving me vulnerable. I grabbed a spare web and held onto dear life, using my free hand to keep my self afloat with my powers.

Vulture tried to fly off, but Peter webbed to him, so he wouldn't fly off. But Vulture managed to pull him off the plane by his force and Peter almost winded up getting sucked into the airplane jet. Vultures wing got caught in the side of the jet and it blew it up.

"Wanda help!" I heard Peter yell. I looked over to see him falling to his death and I lifted up my hand and wrapped him up in my powers. I lifted him up until he could web onto the top of the plane.

I flew my way up there and Peter immediately shot a web onto my stomach and shot another web to the plane, so I wouldn't fly off.

"This sucks!" I groaned.

"Yeah no shit." Peter remarked. Vulture came swooping back down at us and we both rolled out of the way of his wings. He continued to fly towards us and one of his wings, cut he web that was holding me.

I didn't even have time to speak as I flew backwards into the sky. I felt another web collied with my chest and I hit the plane hard. I felt my body continue to move backwards and I noticed Peter was to. Vulture jet coming towards him and cutting all his webs.

All of sudden. I was launched backwards and than a hard forward motion caused my heart to drop into my chest and all the air in my lungs to leave my body.

Peter was holding onto a web that was stuck the engine of the plane and another one was stuck to me.

"DONT LET GO!" I yelled.

"NOT PLANNING ON IT!" He yelled back. I used my powers and attempted to push my self forward, which began working. I flew into Peter and we both grabbed onto the plane. We both looked up and saw that we going through the clouds back down towards the city.

"Oh, my gosh." He gasped. He shot another web for me and he stood up and shot a web onto the rotors.

He started turning the plane so it wouldn't hit any buildings. Is stood up, the web keeping me balanced. My hands began to glow with my powers and as we flew closer to the city, anything that wasn't to heavy I moved out of way.

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