Staten Island Ferry

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Wanda's POV
We swung onto the roof of the loading dock, building. The ferry started leaving and we both ran to the edge. I began to fly and Peter jumped off, spreading his arms, to make wings appear underneath his arms. He flew onto the side of the ship and stuck to the side of it. I ended up on the top of the ship and leaned over the side to see Peter.

"You good?" I laughed

"Haha." He mocked. "Yeah I'm fine." I saw him climb to the window and I heard him say "activate enhanced reconnaissance mode". So I knew he was listening in on someone's conversation. I brought my self back up off the rail and began to walk across the top of the ship.

I saw Peter climb up to the top and I ran over to him.

"What did you learn?" I asked

"There meeting now." He looked off in the distance. "Follow me." He began running to the other side of the ship and I trailed behind him.
"Crouch." I did as he said and we walked down to this little hanger that hung over the opening of the ship.

"Who is that?" Peter asked Karen

"Mat Gargan. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate instant kill?"

"No Karen. Stop it with the instant kill already." Peter said very annoyed. I let out a little giggle and covered my mouth quickly.

A man walked into the group of guys who were already standing in front of us.

"White pick up truck." The man said. One man started to walk off and I watched him leave.

"Dronie, Scan the ship for a white pick up truck." The drone flew off and I watched it fly through the sky.

"What do you see?" I asked, itching at my curiously.

"Wanda!" He smiled. "They have the buyers and the weapons in one place."

Yes! Finally! We got them. I smiled hugely and gripped Peter's hand.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark."

"No,no,no." Peter mumbled. "Don't answer."

"Mr Parker." I heard Tony say.

Oh shit I mumbled.

"You got a sec?" Tony asked

"Uh, I'm actually in school." Peter said.

"Oh I could call Wanda......But I'll tell you first. Nice job in D.C. I shouldn't have doubted you guys. My dad never gave me a lot of support and I'm trying to break that cycle of shame."

"Uh....I'm kind of in the middle of something." Peter yelled.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm complimenting you." Tony said offended. Suddenly the fog horn of the ferry went off and I looked to Peter in fear and flipped off the horn. Just to let out my anger.

"What was that?" Tony asked intrigued and confused.

"I'm at band practice." Peter lied. He looked to me and I just shrugged and gave him to half ass thumbs up.

"That's odd. Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago. Whats up?"

I watched as one man was handing keys to another man and I hit Peter's arm.

"I gotta go. End call."

"Hey..." Tony was cut off from the call ending.

"I'll take those." Peter yelled. He webbed the keys out of his hand and threw them to me. Peter jumped down and began to fight the men and I flew down to join in.

"A female." One of them mocked.

"Hey!" I yelled, offended. I wrapped him in my powers and lifted him up in the air and threw him off the side of the ship.

When I came back to the middle of the ship, Peter was replacing his webbing. I stood in front of him, face to face. When I sensed a man running at us. I threw my hand up and blasted him back into the trucks and cars.

"Thanks." Peter said all giddy. We continued to look at each other, when there was a loud bang. We both turned our heads and I saw an older man standing there. He looked at us mischievously and we began to ran towards him.

"FREEZE! FBI! DONT MOVE!" A bunch of men with guns yelled. I looked up and saw a bunch of FBI agents looking at us.

"What the heck?" I mumbled. Suddenly more men burst through the side door and held guns closer to us.

"GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" They yelled. I just looked around in fear and was about kneel, when a sound caught my attention. A wing burst through the side of a van.

The two agents in front of us pointed their guns to the man. He flew out of the top of the van, holding one of the powerful ass weapons. He began flying towards us.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Peter yelled. I wrapped the two agents in front of us with my energy and threw them off to the side.

He shot a energy blast at us and I moved out of the way in time. The bird guy picked up a car and began to fly faster towards us. Peter grabbed a agent out of the way, but the car hit him and he went flying into a pole.

"SHIT!" I screamed and ran to his aid. I helped him up and we both looked up at the flying bird man, he shot another blast at us and I threw Peter, along with my self away in time.

"Get to the top deck. We're getting out of here." The bird man said. A man began running in and I didn't catch him time, before the door shut on me.

"Frick." I huffed and kicked the door in anger.

"Go get him! I'll deal with bird man!" Peter yelled. I jumped off the ferry and caught my self, I used my powers to fly myself up to the top deck and when I landed I looked around and didn't see the man anywhere. But I did see three F.B.I agents pointing guns at me.

"GET DOWN NOW!" One of them yelled.

"I'm sorry." I sighed. I made a force filed appeared and wrapped one of the agents in energy and threw him into the other two men standing there. I began to run again when I
looked up and saw the man come from behind a Pilar and jump onto the flying bird man. They flew off and I hit the railing in anger.

Suddenly there was a giant purple blast and I screamed in fear, as a reaction I held onto the railing with fear. I noticed there was now a giant crack in the ship and I slowly started drifting away from the other half of the ship.

"Shit, shit, no!" I gasped. I saw a woman that looked she was gonna fall in, I ran towards her and caught the woman before she could fall in.

"Your alright. I've got you." I smiled. She gripped onto my shoulders tightly. I brought her to the railing.

"Hold on!" I yelled. I ran across the deck and found more people and brought them all to the railing.

"All of you stay here! I will keep you safe." I said. I heard a scream of anguish and I looked down the giant crack of the boat. Peter was holding it together by his webs, his arms at full expand.

"OH MY GOSH!" I gasped. I began to use my powers and tried my best to push the ship back together. But I wasn't that strong at the moment, from how tired I was. But I still tried my best.

The ship started to close up and I looked down at my hands in shock. Did me and Peter actually put a ship back together.

"What the hell?" I heard Peter yell. I floated down to him and he wrapped his hand around my waist. We both looked out of the window and saw Iron man raise his head.

"Hi, Spider-Man." He mocked. "Band practice was it?"

I heard Peter sigh defeated underneath the mask and I just rubbed his back.

"It's gonna be okay." I whispered.

Little did I know

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