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Wanda's POV
After this while fiasco, May set down some more rules. No more sneaking out and after school Peter must come home right away. Unless he has after school activities. Which I know he doesn't, but May doesn't need to know that...yet. Peter didn't get expelled from
School to my surprise. But he now has to do three weeks of detention. But I mean that's better than getting expelled.

Present day

I was chilling in the living room, watching Netflix with May. Both of us eating chips with a cup of iced tea by our sides. We heard the door quickly open and shut. We both spun our heads to see a distraught but happy Peter.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Ned asked Liz to the homecoming and she said yes." Peter exclaimed.

"No way!" I jumped up from the couch and met him. "That's so cute!" I wrapped Peter in a hug and he backed away from me slightly.

"Wanda Maximoff. Will you go to the homecoming with me?" He asked holding a ring, that looked like it was from a dollar store. It was still very beautiful and he had a quirky smile on his face.

I started smiling and held out my hand.
"Yes! I would love to go to the homecoming with you." I said. He slipped the ring on my finger and I cupped his cheeks. Pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" May yelled. We each smiled and laughed into the kiss.

"I love you Wanda."

"I love you to Peter." We kissed once more and he wrapped his hand around my waist. We faced May who looked like she was almost in tears.

"May are you alright?" Peter asked, with a soft laugh.

"Yeah...I'm fine." She said through a sad voice and a smile. I just walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm gonna need some help getting ready." I said. Her whole face lit up and she hugged me tighter.

"So what's the plan than?" She asked. We both turned to Peter.

"Well Ned said that he is going to g Liz's house and we can meet them there. For pictures and a ride to the school." He said.

"Yay! Oh I'm so excited." I squealed.

"Well let's get you love birds ready." May smiled.

I went through my closet went through my dresses. I had so many fancy dresses from how many party's we had at the compound. I eventually found this one.

I slipped it on and grabbed my hair curler

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I slipped it on and grabbed my hair curler. I opened my door to walk into the bathroom, when May stopped me in my tracks.

"Woah." I said in surprise.

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