long distance surprise

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you and pete have been dating for nearly a year now and were planning on moving in together in about six months. you are a fashion designer who is from and lives in England and you co-founded the company Pull and Bear. Pete obviously is a cast member on Saturday Night Live and lives in Staten Island. you two are both pretty busy and only get to see each other once every 4-6 months. the last time you saw pete he flew out to England and he spent a week and a half with you and now it was your turn to come to him.

you have been wanting to go see Pete for a while now and lately you have been crying a lot because you miss him so much so you thought I need to go see him so you booked a plane ticket to New York City and today was finally the day you were going. you woke up at around 10am,your flight wasn't until 10pm that day so you had the whole day to kill. you turned to your bedside table to check your phone and there was a text that Pete had left for you saying

"hey baby I hope you have a great day today I love you more than anything❤️"

when you read it, it brought the biggest smile to your face because he had no idea what was coming. you scrolled through your phone for about 10 minutes until you decided to get out of bed. you climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom and got ready. you came out of the bathroom about 35 minutes later and looked at your clock

10:45 am

you grabbed your phone and headed down to your kitchen to get breakfast. you opened your cupboard and saw a box of honey Cheerios so you lifted them out and poured yourself a bowl. you grabbed your bowl and sat down at your kitchen table and text Pete back

"I love you more baby"

you finished your bowl of Cheerios and left the bowl by the sink and made your way back up to your bedroom. you sat back down on your bed and scrolled through your social media for about 30 minutes until you got bored and decided to watch a movie.

2:00 pm

the movie ended and since it was now 2 o'clock you decided to get some lunch. there was a salad in your fridge so you decided to eat that. Once you finished your salad, it was around 2:30pm so you decided to go upstairs, put some music on and pack your carry on bag since you hadn't packed it yet and a taxi was coming to pick you up at 6:30 pm to take you to the airport because it was a 1 hour and 30 minute drive from your house.


you finally finished packing your carry on bag and you had 1 hour and 45 minutes to kill so you just sketched out some new clothing designs in your notebook.


you put your sketching notebook in your carry on bag and brought your big suitcase and your carry on suitcase and your hand luggage bag downstairs and put them beside your door for the taxi driver to lift them into his trunk.


your taxi arrives and the driver opens the door for you and grabs your luggage and sets it in his trunk and got back into the drivers seat and started the car back up and you were off.


you got to the airport around 8:00pm. You checked your bags in got your boarding pass and since you were flying business class made your way up to the business lounge. you sat down on a chair at the lounge,put your AirPods in and was working on your laptop when you get a Snapchat from Pete. earlier in the day you had taken photos of your ceiling and you in your house and saved them so when Pete snap chatted you it just looked like you were in your house.


you snapped Pete for about an hour and a half when you had to board your plane. You snapped Pete a picture of you at your house and said you had to go he then asked why. you didn't know what to say, you couldn't say you were going to bed because Pete knew it was 9:30pm there and know you wouldn't go to bed that early so you snapped him and said you were going on a night out and said you loved him and you boarded your plane.

*10 hours later*

you finally stepped off your plane into the warm New York City air. On the flight you had booked an Uber for 1:40pm for when you got off the plane so you ran to the luggage claim,you were there for 30 minutes, collected your bags and made your way to the Uber waiting area. Your Uber arrived and drove you 30 minutes to your hotel from JFK. When you got there it was 2:15pm, you checked in got your room key and made your way up to your room. Since today was Tuesday it was table read day and any pre-recorded sketches were shot today also. Table read started at 1 and finished around 2:30pm and you texted John Mulaney,a good friend of yours and Petes and also the host of that week, he said it will take them about an hour to film so be there for 3:30pm. so you got ready and it was 3:15pm and 30 Rock was a 10 minute walk from your hotel so you ran down the streets of New York as fast as you could to make it there on time. You arrived at 30 Rock at 3:25pm and John was waiting at the door for you. You walked over to him and hugged each other and then he led you upstairs to one of the hallways where Pete would be coming down soon. "He will be here at any second" John said to you. "I'm so nervous but also so excited we haven't seen each other in six months it feels so weird but good to be back here" you said with a laugh to John and he laughed with you. "That's a wrap on the sketch!" you could here one of the producers of the show shout. "Woohoo yeah!" you heard Pete shout. "Omfg I can hear him John I'm so nervous!" You said to him. "You will be fine he's gonna be so excited to see you". You saw Chris Redd who he was shooting the sketch with come through the door and followed behind him was Pete. "Hey Pete" you shouted across the hallway. Pete came out from behind Chris to see if who he thought it was was really standing there talking to him. He saw you and just froze with his jaw dropped. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Pete shouted and he ran towards you. You started to run towards him and you  jumped into his arms. "What the actual fuck omg" Pete kept repeating. You raised your head up from his shoulder and said "Hi baby" and pecked his lips with a passionate kiss. "BABY WHAT THE FUCK HOW ARE YOU HERE" he said. "Well you know when i told you that I had to go because I was going on a night out yesterday" "yes" pete said. "Well I actually was at the airport boarding my flight and earlier in the day I had taken photos of me in my house so it looked like I was at my house when I was really getting on a plane to come here"

"I love you so fucking much"

"I love you so much more"

"Wait how long are you here for?"

"Till next Friday" you said with a smile.

"Really?!" Pete said happily.

"Yes I'm gonna come with you on Saturday and watch you"

"Yes!" Pete said

"Guys I'm right here you know" John said.

You both burst out laughing and into another passionate kiss.

That week and a half in New York was one of the best times of your life. You two explored all around the city, you watched Pete as a proud girlfriend and you guys were sitting in your hotel room and you turned around to Pete and said

"I can't believe in six months I will be living here with the love of my life"

"It's gonna be amazing baby especially because I'm with you"

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