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your eyes fluttered open they adjusted to the dark room you were once asleep in. you look beside you to see your boyfriend of 1 year sleeping peacefully, his arms wrapped around your waist with his head on the pillow. you turned around to your bedside table to see the clock. it took you a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the bright numbers that it showed.

3;47 am

you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. you thought you probably didn't eat much today and that you were hungry, so you grabbed your phone and slowly slipped out of bed and quietly made your way down to the kitchen not wanting to wake pete up. you found an orange and poured yourself a glass of water and sat down at the kitchen table. you opened your phone and started scrolling through Instagram for about 5 minutes. you finished your snack and was putting your empty glass beside the sink when a very sleepy Pete walked over to you. you turned round to him and asked "Pete baby what are you doing awake?" he immediately pulls you into a hug and lays his head down on your shoulder, clearly still half asleep.

"i woke up and saw you not there and got worried" he replied and gave you a soft kiss on your neck. your heart instantly melted. it was things like this were you truly knew how much he cares about you.

you were hugging him for a few seconds when another sharp pain entered your stomach, way more painful than before. you fell to the floor in extreme pain, Pete noticed this quickly and took matter into his own hands. he helped you regain your balance and lifted you up and carried you out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "it might be a stomach bug or something" he said, while kissing your cheek, he eventually got to you guys's room and set you down and turned on the light. that's when you saw you two saw it, the huge red stain that had taken up a large spot on you guys bedsheets. you were embarrassed but also scared that pete was gonna be mad at you.

as soon as Pete saw it, he ran into the bathroom and turned on the hot water for the bath and let it run and grabbed a fresh new towel, he then went to his wardrobe and took out your favorite hoodie of his and a pair of his pajama pants, he then went over to your wardrobe and lifted out a pair of your underwear and a tampon and realised that you had not many pads and no tampons left. he ran back into the bathroom and saw that the bath was basically filled up and turned it off, he came out of the bathroom and walked over to you and said

"i am going to quickly run to the store because you don't have that many pads and no tampons left, so you take your clothes off and get into the bath and sit there for as long as you want then when you come out dry yourself off, and put on the clothes that are laid out on the bed and I will hopefully be back by then i love you baby" he said with a kiss on your cheek and grabbed his keys and ran out downstairs and out the front door.

you stood there for a few seconds in shock. no one had ever been so sweet to you. so you stripped off your clothes, stepped into the bath and sat there for around 10 minutes, got out and dried yourself off, walked back into your bedroom, put on the clothes pete had laid out for you and just as you had finished putting on the clothes, pete walked into your bedroom with 2 packs of tampons, two packs of pads and a whole bag of food.

"give me two minutes I will go put this sheet in the wash and get a fresh one"

and in the blink of an eye he had left the room. as soon as he left, tears started to well up in your eyes and stream down your face. Pete came back 30 seconds later and noticed you were crying and rushed over to you

"baby are you ok what's wrong do you need anything?"

"no no I'm ok, it's just no has ever treated me so kindly like this before thank you so much"

"anything for you baby" he said while kissing your lips and wiping your tears away.

"let me just change the bedsheets"

after a few minutes, fresh bedsheets were put on and Pete lifted up the bag of food and said

"Movies and cuddles"

"yes please" you replied.

you two climbed back into bed and snuggled up against each other and ate some food and were in the middle of watching a movie when you looked up at Pete and said

"I love you so much you know that?"

"I know and I love you so much more" he said while he smiled into a passionate kiss.

𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜:) Where stories live. Discover now