Chapter 6: Welcome to the family

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"Welcome to the family" Hitoshi said while Izuku was looking confused "What do you mean Hitoshi?" Izuku asked purely confused "He means we're gonna adopt you kid" Shota said and as those words fell out of his mouth Izuku shocked to his core after all no one had really wanted a quirkless kid. Then suddenly some kid spoke "wait, you aren't serious on adopting him right? He's quirkless and useless" and with that said almost everyone agreed, but was he really useless? Almost everyone agreed except the Aizawa family. "Yeah, were serious, so don't insult our son" Shota said with a glare, Izuku just watched the scene unfold, he never had someone defend him like that so he was feeling shocked but at the same time happy. "Are you sure you wouldn't want a different kid?" A voice said, the voice belonged to Taiya and with that statement Hizashi, Hitoshi and Shota's blood boiled "Why are you trying to make us change our mind?" Hizashi said sounding annoyed "because he's quirkless" Taiya said sounding so confident and confused on why Hizashi would even ask "So?" Hitoshi said, Taiya was about to reply before Shota Interrupted her "At least not a cocky show off brat" "Are you saying the kids here are cockily show off brats?" Taiya asked starting to get angry "We never said anything like that ma'am, we are simply implying that even if he is quirkless he still has a good heart, he helped our son not too long ago when he was getting bullied and that is enough evidence that he has a good heart, he was also very polite when we talked to him, he was als shining so bright like the sun and he had the brightest smile that brightened our day, so please just get the adoption papers ready" Hizashi said, and with that, Taiya left to get the paperwork while Hitoshi and Shota had a smug look "You tell her papa!" Hitoshi said while the rest of the kids jut looked shocked then hurried to their rooms, well except Izuku "Thank you" Izuku said in a whisper but loud enough for the 3 to hear, he said it with a big smile and tears in his eyes.

Hizashi finished the paper work and Izuku finished packing his bags. He finished quickly since he only had a few things that all fitted in his yellow backpack. "Is that all you have little listener?" Hizashi asked to which Izuku nodded. Soon they all went to the car. It was a quite ride, all you could hear was the wind coming from the opened windows. It was a 30 minute drive to the Aizawa residence. The house was close to the library Izuku would often visit which Izuku liked. They got out of the car and went inside "Welcome to the family Izu!" Hitoshi said "Izu?" Izuku questioned "Yeah that's your new nickname, do you not like it?" "No no I like it very much, thanks" Shota chuckled as the scene unfolded then said "Well Izuku, if you have any question on where is where just ask Hitoshi but for now let's show you your room" Shota said and with that Izuku nodded. While walking Izuku analyzed his surrounding and familiarizing himself to where is where and taking mental notes to which is which since he could see what was inside in most rooms. They finally arrived in a room, it was Izuku's room, Hizashi opened it and inside it revealed a bed, a desk, a small book shelf and a cabinet "You can decorate it any way you like so we will let you unpack your things while we prepare dinner, if you need anything Hitoshi's room is the one to the left of this room" Shota said and Izuku nodded "  Is there anything for dinner little listener?" Hizashi asked "anything will be fine" Izuku replied and Hizashi nodded, Soon the other 3 left . Izuku took out all 10 of his journals named "Hero Analysis for the future" each was numbered from 1-10, then he placed it in his shelf. Izuku then took out all his clothes which he only had 6 pairs of clothes including what he was already wearing then put it in the closet. The orphanage didn't have a lot of clothes or money to buy more for the children but all the kids more than what he did but he didn't mind. After he finished putting his clothes in his closet he took out his newly borrowed book from the library about math which was actually third year high school math but he did t know that and actually found it easy since he liked to study. He was halfway done with the book already and decided to continue reading and try practicing the math in an empty notepad he found on the book shelf.  Around 40 minutes later Izuku heard a knock on his door. He closed his book and notepad then said "Come in" "Dinner is ready" Hitoshi said. Izuku followed Hitoshi to the dining room, when they got there they were greeted by Hizashi, Shota and a dinner that looked like a feast. Izuku and Hitoshi's eyes were glowing, soon they sat down "Eat up kiddos, fill your bellies like its the end of the world" Hizashi said while laughing and the 2 kids laughed as well then Izuku suddenly asked "Can I actually eat as much as I want?" "Of course you can, why wouldn't you? Look at all this delicious food wanting to be eaten!!" Hitoshi said while everyone else laughed. "So Izu, how do you like the food?" Hitoshi asked "It tandjdj grejd" Izuku said with a stuffed face and glowing eyes " "dont talk with you mouth full Izuku, you might choke, and don't eat to fast there's plenty of food, and what did you say? We couldn't understand with all that food in your food" Hitoshi said while a blush of embarrassment appeared on Izuku's whole face "I said it tastes great!!  By the way what do I call you guys?" Izuku asked while staring at Hizashi and Shota. Izuku remembered if he called his mother mom, she would hit him and tell him that he should call him ma'am. "You can call me dad and Hizashi papa or anything else you want, you don't have to call us dad and papa if you aren't ready yet" Shota said and Izuku nodded "By the way Izu, what did you do in you room?" Hitoshi asked "Oh I did math!! And with that everyone stared at him "Why math?" Hizashi asked "I borrowed a book about Math from the library and I found an empty notepad on the shelf so I tried to apply the types of math in the book" "Oh I see, well was it fun? What type of Math did you do?" Hizashi asked "Yeah it was so fun!! I did Calculus!" Izuku said with a smile, the 2 adults were shocked "can we see your work later?" Shota asked "sure" Izuku replied "By the way you do know that calculus is high school level math right?" Shota asked "wait really?" Izuku asked confused "mhm" Shota replied "Wait whats calculus?" Hitoshi asked "You'll know when your older Hitoshi" Hizashi said "but I wanna know now" Hitoshi complained while the rest just chuckled.
"We're going shopping for room decor for Izuku's room and new clothes for him" Hizashi said "we don't need to, that would be way too troublesome for you guys and I wouldn't want to be a bother *mumble mumble*" "Izuku, Izuku Izuku!!" "Ahh" Hitoshi called him out and surprised Izuku "You won't be a bother"Shota said "B-but-" "No but no nut no coconuts" Hizashi said and Izuku then agreed. They soon finished dinner and everyone went to their rooms " Night Izu" " Night Hito". Izuku was now laying in his bed and is about to sleep. ' It's nice to have a family and to know that someone cares about you' was all Izuku could think of and that night he got the best and most peaceful sleep he has ever gotten in 8 years.

Thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed.
Remember the drawing above is not mine and neither is the quote, I simply merged them together same as the rest in the other past chapter and future chapters.

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