Chapter 1

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I groaned as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. I quickly glanced around and saw that I was in a forest, but I closed my eyes again almost immediately. My head was pounding. I moved my hand to where the healing patch was over the gash I had. I felt just the bare skin there and I groaned. No healing patches in this dimension. As my fingers continued to run along the wound I was happy to feel that it was now just a scar. At least it mostly healed me before the jump got rid of the patch.

I pushed myself onto my feet and tried to take a few steps. But I stumbled when my pants were snagged by a branch. I quickly broke the problematic branch in half and set my blue jeans free. I looked around for any other low-hanging branches that might be a threat. Once I was satisfied that nothing else was going to capture me I started to walk.

I wandered the forest for a while until I spotted a lake. Thankful for the opportunity to drink water I quickly got on my knees and drank as much as I could with my cupped hands. My knees wobbled less and less the more I drank due to the water revitalizing the dehydrated ligaments. The water was slowly but surely soothing my pounding head. I shouldn't have let Cara talk me into jumping. The headache alone makes it all not worth it.

While still eagerly drinking I heard a loud flapping sound. I quickly looked down at the water to make sure that no beast was going to spring up and make me its next meal.

Instead, I was met with the reflection of a large reddish-brown dragon flying over me. I looked up as its tail was soaring over my head and watched it till it was out of view.

"Oh come on!" I yelled to the universe, "A dragon? Seriously!"

I got off of my knees and angrily kicked a rock that was by the stream. I'm so screwed! Every time I get stuck in a reality with dragons they never leave me alone! My red hair is too intriguing for them. Not to mention the possibility of this entire reality being full of dragons that hate humans. I'm not exactly human but they won't know that!

"Hello? Did I hear someone out there?" A female voice called out making me freeze for a split second.

What should I do? I have no weapons to defend myself and I'm too tired from the jump to run.

Be the damsel in distress. People love to help beautiful women in their time of need.

The words my mother had told me so long ago fled my mind. Mom may have been conceited sometimes, but one thing is for sure... she was never stupid. I glanced at the running water and was able to see my face wiggling back at me. Be the damsel.

I already have dried blood on my face and a tear on the bottom of my jeans. I can go with this.

I examined the dried blood on my face and tried to smear what was left of it across the rest of my face. Sadly there wasn't enough of it and it was too dried to be smeared. Instead, it just rubbed off in clumps. No! No! No! I need blood to make this look real.

"I can sense you out there! Do you need help?" The female voice called out once again.

I'm running out of time. This woman is obviously a dragon if she can sense me.

I looked back at my reflection and my attention landed on my new scar. I just need to cut it again. I quickly dropped to my knees once more and let my hands wander over the stones by the water's edge. Once a rock managed to break the skin on my hand when I grazed over it I smiled. Perfect.

My wet fingers gripped the ragged stone harshly, making it cut into my hand, and I brought it up in front of my eyes. I made sure the rock was clean and wouldn't give me an infection. Once I was satisfied with my examination I brought it to my forehead and cut over the new scar.

A dark red ooze instantly fell down my forehead and stuck to my skin. I quickly threw the stone far into the water and watched as it sunk to the bottom.

"I smell blood! Are you injured?" The voice yelled a bit frantic and a bit closer than before.

I didn't answer, knowing that it'll be easier to pretend to be barely conscious when the woman inevitably finds me.

I laid down on the cool ground and got into a position that showed my bleeding head without getting dirt on it. I looked down at my body and frowned. My clothes are too clean. There's a rip in my jeans but that's not enough damage to be convincing.

I quickly tore my brown tee-shirt and my jeans. I picked up a handful of mud that was within my grasp while still laying down and rubbed it over my torso and limbs.

Just as I was satisfied with my work I heard footsteps. I quickly laid all the way down and played the part I was presenting. A young woman who had been mysteriously hurt and left alone in the woods.

The footsteps continued and I heard a shocked gasp. "She's human. How is she all the way out here?" The female asked herself.

I could hear the grass and the occasional leaves bend as she slowly inched her way to my side. I made sure to stay still and silent as she approached so I wouldn't scare her away. Finally, I felt her cold hands moving my dark red hair away from my face. As I felt the burn from her gaze I let out a quiet groan. She gasped again and I had to remind myself not to smile when she jumped a bit. I waited for her breathing to even out and then I slowly opened my eyes.

I knew that my eyes were a strange and rather intriguing color. They were designed to be. I remembered Mom's words when six-year-old me had asked her why they had given me such an odd eye color.

They draw people in but never let them out.

Right now I was calling upon that gift.

The owner of the voice was a woman in her early twenties. She had dirty blonde hair that was cropped right above her shoulders and her eyes were a greenish-gray color. Pretty eyes... but nothing like mine.

The moment our eyes met I knew she was mine. Her expression showed nothing but captivation and I knew she would aid me no matter what. "Help me," I croaked out in the most desperate yet exhausted tone I could muster. Her eyes went wide and I knew I sealed the deal.

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