Sebastian shook his head. "I wouldn't put it past her, either. She refused to speak about their father. I had assumed it was because it was too painful for her. But maybe it was because she was keeping a secret."

"There's no way. Ariana said she saw Bennett in a magazine once. How could their mother hide something like that from the world?" I asked. "And somehow the news got out that Bennett is dating me and I've never even seen a reporter near us before. How would it be possible to fake a death with so many people talking about the family all the time?"

"She hid the truth of Lee's accident by paying people off," Henry said. "No one but the people involved knew what happened until we brought it to light. She could easily have paid off whoever she needed to in order to keep the secret."

Sebastian put a hand to his jaw, thinking. "The funeral was private. And Eli wanted no part of the limelight, anyway. He was always a private person. Mrs. Calloway was the one who basked in it. It's always been that way."


"That's their father's name. I don't remember much because we were so young, but I have to admit he does look familiar," Sebastian said. "But the idea that their mother lied to them is... disturbing. To say the least."

Henry began to pace. "Not only that but why would he stay away? Because he was paid off to? Is that a good enough reason for leaving your children? Especially entrusting to someone like Mrs. Calloway?"

"I wonder of the technicalities, too. She always refers to herself as Mrs. Calloway, something widows tend to do, so I never thought anything of it. But if the man with them does prove to be their father alive and well, does that mean they're still married on paper?" Sebastian wondered out loud.

"We shouldn't speculate," I said, fiddling with my fingers. "Let's just wait and see what Bennett and Lee say."

No sooner than the words left my mouth, the door to the office flew open. Henry, Sebastian, and I all startled as Lee burst out of the room, head down, hair falling his face. He ignored us completely, hurrying toward the elevators. Bennett appeared a moment later, eyes wide, calling after him.

Henry didn't hesitate in chasing after Lee and Bennett stopped short, jaw becoming taut. "Damn it."

"What's wrong?" I asked Bennett, putting my hand on his arm.

He put a hand over his face, closing his eyes. "I don't know. That man said something to him and he immediately ran off."

I gazed back in the direction Henry and Lee had disappeared in, my chest constricting. What had he said to make Lee react like that? I'd only seen Lee like that once, back when he found out he had been involved in my brother's incident.

The man claiming to be their father stepped out of the room a moment later looking just as stricken as Lee had been. Bennett turned to him, eyes narrowing. "What did you say to him?"

"That is something between Lee and I until he is ready to tell you," the man said, head turned to the side, avoiding Bennett's glare.

"He's my brother. You can't say something that causes him to react like that and then expect me to let it go. Although," Bennett continued, tone sharpening. "I suppose you think you're adept at hiding things. Since you've been hiding from your own family for the past sixteen years."

"Bennett, I can explain everything else—"

"I don't want to hear it!" Bennett snapped, raising his voice.

My hand fell from his shoulder as I fell back a step, surprised by his outburst. He noticed my reaction and balled his hand up at his side, swallowing, trying to recover his composure.

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