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Arianna's pov

It's been a little over a week since my incident in the grocery store. Dominick won't let me go anywhere alone anymore. He's practically attached to my hip. He won't go to work anymore just so he can be with me. I'm happy he doesn't leave, but he's such a big smother. Whenever we go out he has like 20-30 guards with us. 

We were about to go to the store again because we still need things to do my hair. Which I thought he forgot about. Though he said today we'll have a redo Arianna's day. It's still a little sad to remember because we just made up and then I was in a coma. 

"Daddy, I can go to the bathroom. ALONE." I whined, trying to push him away. I don't need him to follow me everywhere I go. It's too much sometimes. 

"Fine, I'll sit in the living room." he gritted. I know he doesn't like to leave me anymore, but I still need to be independent. I'll be okay to go and use the bathroom. I used the bathroom quickly, so he wouldn't blow a fuse.

"Ready," I said, sitting beside him on the couch. He helped me tie my shoes tighter and we went to the door. I stopped us in the middle of the porch and turned around to face Daddy.

"How many guards will be there?" I asked.

"Maybe 15," he said.

"15!" I exclaimed. He's crazy. I tried my best to persuade him to call some of them off. I'd be fine with just him being there. Last time was just a little mistake and it's fine. I'm okay and alive. We don't need to be under such heavy surveillance. "It's for your safety, Arianna. I just want you to stay safe," he said. I sighed and looked down at my shoes. 

"Okay," I mumbled. Daddy picked me up onto his hip and walked to the car. He helped me buckle up before he got into the car. He drove to the store we'd go to when we were at his parents' house. I liked that one because it was really fun. It just took forever to get there since they live so far away. We got to the store and bought everything that we needed. When we finished we went home to start my hair. Booo!

"Princess, are you ready to get your hair washed?" Daddy asked. I got upset and ran away from him.  "NO!" I screamed as I slammed the door to our room. I hid under the bed as I had the anticipation of him finding me.

"Princess where are you?" he asked. "If you don't get your hair washed then you won't have a sleepover with Zyaire," I heard our bedroom door open and I could see Daddy's shoes from beside the bed. I don't want to not see Zyaire. I've been wanting to see him for a while. I finally just gave in. "Fine," I mumbled, sliding from under the bed.

"Thank you. Now let's get started," he said. He guided me to the bathroom and he already had it set up. I sat on the chair while he left to get the shampoo. I leaned back once he got back so he could start. Once I get it over with then the pain will be done. He began washing my hair which is my favorite part. It doesn't hurt and it's calming. Though this isn't the part I'm worried about.

Daddy finished washing my hair and then put the conditioner in. I told him to get a leave-in conditioner because then it helps with detangling it. Detangling is the worse. I'm not excited about that part.

"You want to sit in the living room so you can watch tv," Daddy said. I was a teeny bit sleepy from his washing my hair. My eyes drooped lightly.

"Mhm," I said, rubbing my eyes. We went to the living room and I sat on the floor. Daddy sat on the couch and positioned me between his legs. He started to part my hair down the middle and it didn't hurt that bad. I turned on PowerPuff Girls, so I wouldn't get bored.

Daddy started to comb through my hair and I don't know what magical comb he got, but it didn't hurt. Of course, I had my moments but overall it wasn't bad at all. I had pretty,  long hair so I asked daddy if he could braid it. I watched a bunch of episodes of Powerpuff girl and then we were done.

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