Enji the Heretic- Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

His shoulders slacked and he stared at me blankly, a feeling rose up in my throat though I couldn't tell if it was from guilt, nerves or both.

"Do you want me to praise you for doing the bare minimum, those kids could have lived either way, hero's were on the way but you had to get involved didn't you? You're not a god, this isn't a game where you're the main character just because you don't get involved doesn't mean that everything will go to shit, this world doesn't revolve around you."

"Heresy." I rubbed my head. "I think it's time that you left anyway, I have things to do." Enji looked at me with his eyebrows raised and without saying anything he stood up, walked over to the door, opened it, looked at me and left.

An unexpected visit and a short one. A lump made it self obvious in my throat, i attempted to swallow it down but i couldn't, an ugly feeling loomed over me. The sky outside had gone dark, the ugly orange street lamps blaring the colour over my furniture, a sharp contrast from the lighter orange that settled there before. I stretched my neck out and walked over to a mirror, a gorgeous eye shaped one positioned right next to one of my many shelves littered with too many wilting plants and books. I posed, reminding myself of who i was again, fuck men.

Ok maybe not fuck men, but fuck Enji, coming into my home disrupting my peace and making me feel so helpless. Anyway I made my way over to my room and flopped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone.

Me: Bitch-

I waited for a minute until my phone beeped.

Obi-1: wtf has he done

I smiled typing as quick as I could

Me: This mf invites himself over to my house, has a go at me and leaves.

like just leaves

ok maybe I kicked him out


Me: Shush ur so mean

Obi-1: What did he say?

I rubbed my head trying to remember everything.

Me: Something about me not being a god and like saying the world doesn't revolve around me.

Obi-1: Ew heresy, you have to tell me everything about it tomorrow. Also have you heard we have hero work studies soon?

Me: no?

Obi-1: Yeah we have exams, a sports festival then we get chose by some pro's to work with

Me: How did find out?

Obi-1: Overheard 1b's head talking ab it. U wanna train together w Aizawa, loud and yagi?

Me: bet :)

I turned my phone off, a horrible feeling came up into my stomach again, I need to sleep on it, i'll get stress wrinkles if I don't.

I closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.

3rd person bc ur dreaming bby

Y/N L/N looked at the crumpled knife in her hands and felt sad.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her backward surroundings. She had always hated grey nowhere with its tame, tart tunnels. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel sad.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Blank Face. Blank was a violent brute with slimy arms and ugly eyes.

Y/N gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a tactless, vile, cocoa drinker with greasy arms and spiky eyes. Her friends saw her as a curved, colossal coward. Once, she had even saved a crooked injured bird that was stuck in a drain.

But not even a tactless person who had once saved a crooked injured bird that was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what Blank had in store today.

The rain hammered like Brood rats, making Y/N disconcerted.

As Y/N stepped outside and Blank came closer, she could see the black glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want ," Blank bellowed, in a brutal tone. He slammed his fist against Y/N's chest, with the force of 8155 snakes. "I frigging hate you, Y/N L/N."

Y/N looked back, even more disconcerted and still fingering the crumpled knife. "Blank, you must think I was born yesterday," she replied.

They looked at each other with agitated feelings, like two massive, manky maggots Scrape at a very malicious funeral, which had indie music playing in the background and two Arrogant uncles Explode to the beat.

Suddenly, Blank lunged forward and tried to punch Y/N in the face. Quickly, Y/N grabbed the crumpled knife and brought it down on Blank's skull.

Blank's slimy arms trembled and his ugly eyes wobbled. He looked perturbed, his body raw like a blushing, black blade.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Blank Face was dead.

Y/N L/N went back inside and made herself a nice mug of cocoa.

back to u lol

I woke up, blinked, looked around and eventually my eyes fell on the clock, 3:34am. My head hurt, that was the weirdest fucking dream i've ever had.

fuckshitfuckfuckfuckshitshitshit worst chapter ever and thins is likea filler ik but like its been like months? and now this has 25k????!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? ur all vvvvv odd but i love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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