12. || faking

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"There probably fine" Stiles tries to reason, but probably isn't enough for me

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"There probably fine" Stiles tries to reason, but probably isn't enough for me. Nowhere near enough, I need to know if she is okay. I don't bother trying to hide how worried I am there'd be no use anyway.

We all rush through are corridors looking for Allison and Lydia. I don't care if this makes me sound like a bitch, my main focus is Lydia not Allison, I care about the other girl in some way... but it's different, it's... Lydia.

"She's not answering my texts, Stiles" Scott says but I ignore him, I'm too busy scanning the corridor for any sign of the strawberry blonde who has somehow wormed her way into my life.

"Can you see Lydia?" I ask trying my best to sound calm and collective, but I know it doesn't work. My cold eyes look around the corridor for the green ones that I'm starting to grow fond of. Both boys shake their head as if they have finally processed my question.

At this action I let out a low threatening growl that causes Scott to flinch almost submissively and Stiles jumps out of his skin, a few students turn around being nosey as per usual and trying to stick their noses into other people's business, but I ignore them because they are not Lydia.

"It could just be a coincidence, all right? A seriously amazing coincidence" Stiles says as we all continue looking for the strawberry blonde and brunette duo. Of course, the one day I want to find the red head that has infatuated my life I can't.

"Just help me find her, okay?" Scott asks as we continue looking at every person that passes by, I stop feeling bad about my focus being on Lydia when Scott's is clearly on Allison.

"Or Lydia if you see her" I say searching through people, but the same bland and slightly scared faces fill the hallway but none of them have that intoxicating scent that I love.

"Do you see her?" Scott and I ask at the same time looking at Stiles wanting him to answer immediately.

"No... No, to both of you!" Stiles says exasperated but that's the last time I bother asking again considering if he sees her, he will say, it'll be quicker paying my full attention to everyone around me. If I could just let my wolf eyes show I would be able to see if she's anywhere in this hallway but no, I can't.

I start getting more anxious as the time passes and I still don't see peaches, hehehe new nickname alert... not the time Isabella!

My anxiety grows as I don't see her, and everything starts going wrong. First my breathing starts becoming laboured and I can't focus on anything. I don't notice how fast I've been walking or where I was walking because now Scott and Stiles aren't beside me or in sight.

But when I need the hyperactive spaz that I call my best friend, he isn't beside me leaving no one to calm me down, leaving a newly turned beta who just so happens to be a hybrid alone, anxious, and guilty with her new ability to shift.

I end up bumping into Scott and Allison on the way to the girl's bathroom, Scott looks relieved but one look at my threatening orange eyes he gulps slightly but thankfully Allison doesn't see. I run into the bathroom keeping my head down.

INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martinWhere stories live. Discover now