4. || orange eyes

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This morning I woke up before my alarm and before my mom could wake me up as my brother decided to come in my room soaking wet explaining how he woke up in the woods with no idea of how he got there, but when he did wake up the thing that attacked...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

This morning I woke up before my alarm and before my mom could wake me up as my brother decided to come in my room soaking wet explaining how he woke up in the woods with no idea of how he got there, but when he did wake up the thing that attacked us in the woods the other day was there and chased him, he jumped over a fence and into a random man's garden but instead of landing on the ground he landed in a pool.

What I don't get is why that story couldn't have waited like 30 minutes and he could've explained it to me once I woke up, and the only reason I'm not too angry is because he brought me in a coffee, that I could drink over his long explanation of what happened to him last night.

I got in the shower shortly after and did my usual stuff to get ready for the day, I put on some black ripped jeans they are extremely ripped, and a red top that's tight and cropped it also has a zip that goes down the middle of it.

For makeup I do the same as yesterday concealer and a dark red lip. For hair I part my hair down the middle, on half of my hair I do 4 braids going from the middle parting to the ends and I leave the rest of my hair down.

I like this hairstyle as it shows of the blues and green dye that is in my hair. I put in my medusa piercing before slipping my black leather jacket on and grabbing my black lace up stiletto heeled boots.

I make some French toast and drink another coffee to make sure I make it through the day but when I look at my phone, I notice that I am running late. I grab some gum and put my dishes in the dishwasher before running out the door.

As soon as I pull up to school, I already have no patience for the day ahead I just want to go home, and sleep is that too much to ask for. I walk in and notice jackass pinning my brother against the lockers, what the hell he thinks he's doing I have no idea.

I walk straight over to them not bothering to listen into the conversation as I pull Jackson off my brother roughly causing his lacrosse stick to fall out of his bag, I pin him up against the lockers grabbing his jersey as I glare at him angrily.

"Scotty, leave I want to have a chat with jackass" I say keeping a squirming Jackson against the lockers he gulps but stays quiet. Scott nods his head listening to his sister and leaves.

Jackson instantly regrets threatening Scott, he thought it was safe as he didn't see Bella's car there and he knows that she wouldn't be late to lacrosse practice even if she is late to every other lesson, but he was wrong, stupidly wrong.

"So, picking on my little brother I see" I say dropping Jackson and grabbing his lacrosse stick, he looks around the hallway to see if anyone could see us but as there is no one there he lets out a sigh.

"I'm sorry. Okay? It won't happen again" Jackson says nervously knowing first-hand how much a punch hurts from the dark-haired girl and he can also tell from knowing her a long time that when she's tired, irritable, and angry.

INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن