Chapter 3

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We were all sat in the white room, this time with someone else. A red head boy name Sean who looked about our age. We had been given drinks earlier on and we were now all talking with each other.

"We should think of code names," Raven said," We're government agents now. We should have code names. I want to be called Mystique."

"Damn, I wanted to be Mystique," Sean said, sarcastically.

Raven chuckled,"well tough, I called it," she suddenly turned into Sean which caused the rest of us to let out a whoah, "Besides, I'm way more mysterious than you. Darwin what about you?"

"Well, uh, Darwin's already a nickname, and, you know it kind of fits. Adapt to survive and all. Check this out," he went over to the fish tank and put his head in and gills grew on the side of his face. We all cheered. "Thank you. Thank you."

"That's incredible," Sean awed.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'm going to be Banshee," he concluded after a moment's thought.

"Why would want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Hank asked.

"You might want to cover your ears," Sean warned. I shared a confused look with Alex but nonetheless covered my ears. He screamed and the glass window along with all of our glasses smashed. We all laughed, " how'd I miss that," he said looking at the still intact fish tank. He turned to Angel, "your turn."

She stood, "well my stage name is Angel and it kind of fits," she unclipped the back of her top and rolled her shoulders which caused the wing tattoo to turn into a set of dragonfly wings.

"You can fly," Raven said as the rest of us were in awe.

"Yeah, and, um," she spat out a ball of fire which hit the statue in the courtyard outside of the room.

"I'm turned on and disgusted," Darwin commented which caused the rest of us to laugh.

"How about your name," Angel asked Hank.

"How about Bigfoot," Alex teased. Everyone laughed whereas I punched in the stomach. Hard. He clutched his stomach and groaned.

"Don't be rude," I scolded.

"Well, uh, you know what they say about guys with big feet and yours are kind of small," Raven defended Hank.

"Okay now," Darwin said which made everyone settle down. "Dorothy, what's your gift."

"Well I have quite a few, um," I used my telekinesis to lift the table in between us. Then, I used my energy manipulation to break one of the surviving glasses then put it back together with the time warp. "I, um, need a volunteer," everyone was in awe but Hank slowly lifted his hand. I walked over him and searched his mind for his happiest memory and resurfaced it, "describe what you see."

"My parents, I'm probably about 10. We're laughing and playing we're all happy and playing games," he explained.

I sat down next to Alex, as the red in my eyes and hands died down, who had a proud smirk on his face, he put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me, "that's my girl."

"Ew. Get a room," Sean cringed, to which everyone laughed.

"What's your gift Alex. What can you do?" Darwin asked.

I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. I knew how much he hates his powers. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I told him but everyone let out noises of disagreement. I wouldn't deny that I was curious to see his power, he had described what it was but never showed me.

"It's not, I just can't do it. Not in here," he stuttered.

"Can you do it out there?" Darwin asked pointing to the courtyard.

"Why don't you just do it out there?" Raven asked.

Everyone started to chant Alex, so he sighed and turned to me. I shrugged silently telling him it was his choice. He unwrapped his arm and stood up, "get down when I tell you,"

"Get down when I tell you," Sean mocked.

We stood at the wall next to the broken window as Alex went outside. We poked our heads out and he noticed, "get back," he said and we went back round the corner only to pop our heads out again, "get back," same thing, "whatever," he moved his arms in restricted circles as a red energy came out his his chest, circling him. He let it go and it went outwards cuting the statue in half. Everyone cheered as I wrapped an arm around him, drawing patterns on the top of his arm.

"That was pretty hot," I told him and he chuckled and pecked my temple. Angel came and dragged him away as they all messed around but I just went to the other side of the courtyard and sat down by the entrance, knowing they were going to get in trouble with Charles, Erik and Moira.

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