"Is that Horikita-san? Thanks."
Hirata seemed thankful.

I saw Ayanokouji sitting on top of a tree branch. He seemed really hidden. I probably wouldn't have seen him if I wasn't in his party. He was using the Dark Element to shroud himself in darkness. Perfect for someone who works in the shadows, I guess. His quick thinking must be what my brother saw in him. After finishing up on Hirata, I began to heal the others. Sudou instantly rushed in recklessly and got blown back. Once again Ayanokouji sent me a skill, two actually. "Blinding Light", and "Instant Teleportation". I instantly understood what he meant and without a second to waste, told my classmates to shield their eyes. They all did, and I cast the spell. A light so bright appeared out of thin air, seemingly blinding the monsters. While they were blinded, I cast "Instant Teleportation" to send all of Class D to Norkanda. In the blink of an eye, we were at the outskirts of the city. I could see an eagle soaring high in the sky, must be Ayanokouji checking on us. I nodded towards it and the bird turned backwards, and set off for the Great Swamp.

"Man, we would've died there. Thanks Horikita!"
A random Class D Student thanked me.

"Yes it's all thanks to you Horikita!" Another Class D Student

With respect to Ayanokouji's wishes for a peaceful life, I didn't tell them that it was him who saved them.

For some reason Hirata wanted to count all of us. He probably wanted to make sure we were all here. (Let's assume there are 39 students in Class D cuz Yamagod is not here.)

"1...2...3...(after counting). 39.( If we add Hiyori in with class D) We're short one. Wait. We're missing Kiyotaka!" Hirata and Shiina seemed worried.

Some students were shocked. I could see Hasebe, Akito, Yukimura and Sakura looking worried. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Karuizawa-san's eyes widen.

"We don't need him. He's useless anyway." Shinohara said.

My expression changed a bit after hearing those words. They didn't know Ayanokouji-kun was the one who saved them.

Matsushita POV

Ayanokouji-kun is missing? That worried me a bit. I had a feeling that he was fine though, I'm not sure why. After hearing Shinohara's rather rude statement, I saw Karuizawa change her expression to a rather furious one, only for a second. No one saw it. But I did. I decided to confront her later about this. Hirata suggested that we search for him later. Most of us agreed, albeit reluctantly. We decided to go to the Inn where Horikita and Sudou were staying at, and we all rented rooms, using the money we got from killing monsters. I couldn't understand their language at first, but Horikita-san did. She spoke their language so fluently that it baffled me. I decided to talk to Karuizawa-san later.

Ayanokouji POV

Seems like the whole class has returned. I wanted to explore this world for a bit. I temporarily changed my class to "Summoner" and summoned a huge wyvern. A magnificent roar could be heard, and a majestic wyvern appeared in front of my eyes. I went on it's back and rode it upwards, towards the sky.

We were pretty high up now. I could see the top of the mountains. Just for fun, I leapt off the back of the wyvern and glided
in the air. I used the Wind Element to keep me up in the air. Multiple strong gusts of air kept me from falling. This feeling of joy as I was myself, away from the world, was something that I could not experience back home. This feeling, Freedom, one might call it, is one thing I had been longing for. I stayed in the air, exploring the vast world we had been sent to, in a hope to learn more about it, and to enjoy this feeling of freedom while it lasted. I flew over huge mountains, saw a desert in the distance, a beautiful ocean, and multiple cities and towns could be seen in the horizon.

The sun had began to set. I once again stayed in the air, watched the sun set. It was quite frankly mesmerising. I didn't want to go back to Norkanda. But I didn't have much of a choice. Kei probably missed me. I made up my mind to stop by for a short while, greet Kei, maybe greet the Ayanokouji group, and set off to explore this beautiful world.

Having had enough flying, I called back my wyvern and used Instant Teleportation to get back.

If anyone's wondering where I got the ideas for Gnome and Salamander. Here. It's from a game I very much love. It's called Another Eden.

 It's called Another Eden

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