~°~ prologue ~°~

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three little boys were running through the forest. at the top, the middle head. a blond, young, impatient guy who loves to explore new things.

"i bet you can't catch me! i'll be the first!", he ran as fast as he could.

followed by his younger brother.
the youngest who gets easily distracted from the stunning nature. he loved animals, it were the ones he trusted most. so if he just sees a butterfly, he would stop to admire its beauty.

"i don't think so! better look at your feet, you might fall!", the youngest laughed right behind him.

with a smile on his face, the calmest and oldest of them all, ran at the end. he wasn't that fast but smart, so he easily found a way to pass them and to be the first.
shocked, the middle head stopped. "how-"
the youngest who wasn't able to reduce his speed fast enough, bumped right into him.

"i thought you wanted to be first!", the guy with the mild brown hair laughed, leaving his younger brothers speechless.

the younger ones were looking at each other in disbelief then followed him.

as the brothers reached their parents, the middle head started complaining about his brother's 'unfair' behaviour.

he didn't understand why everyone started laughing as they all sat down on a blanket for some picnic.

for them their parents were the kindest people in the world. that's what the three brothers believed. and not just them.. the whole kingdom. their parents, the king and the queen of yeongwonhan [영원한].

that's how their relatives a long time ago named their lands. no time could destroy the beauty and love in here. everything was just breathtaking, perfect.

"dad! could you show me your arc again?", asked the black haired youngest in excitement as he spotted it at his dad's horse saddle.

enjoying his son's enthusiasm, he laughed and took his hand. together they went to the black horse. with big eyes the little guy couldn't believe the beauty of this great animal.

yes, he wanted his own horse but sadly his parents thought he is to young for one. his dad knelt next to him giving him his arc.

"look, jongho. do you see this red mark at the tree over there? that's your aim. i'll help you.", his dad whispered and directed his son's hands with his.

the, for his age already pretty strong, boy got it almost perfectly. the red mark. just a few centimetres.

"you missed it haha, let me try it!", the brave middle head said. sure, that he wouldn't fail.

he also got help from his dad, but he was to impatient to focus perfectly and even missed the tree.

"how about you come here and help me and your older brother to clean up? we have to go back to the castle soon.", their mother suggested him laughing.

"fine.", he was pouting. "you need to be more patient, wooyoung.", his younger brother said. getting consent from the oldest.

"you both are acting like you are wise, just shut up.", he whined, crossing his arms and making everyone laugh.

his dad took him and put the already 8 year old guy on his shoulders. "don't worry, wooyoung. one day, you'll be great at archery. i'm sure about this."


when everyone was ready to leave this beautiful place behind and go back to the castle, their mom stopped the oldest brother and took his hands in hers.

"yeosang, i know that when we are gone one day, you will look over them. you will be the king one day. don't forget this. stay the calm, warm hearted boy you are and everything you do, will be okay. i believe you will make the right choices in future, so you can reign this kingdom with wisdom and love one day."


yeosang, wooyoung and jongho. three brothers who love each other with an amazing bond of trust.

the love and the support they got from their parents was endless. one of the things they learned from them is: love whoever you want. no one should be forced to love. be humble and respect and accept other people's decisions and opinions.

but those happy moments did not last as long as they wanted. war came and their dad died for peace. which they got after their personal loss.

soon after their father's dead, also their mother passed away. she had cancer in a far advanced stage and no doctor was able to help her anymore.

yeosang, who was expected to become king at 20, was just 17 at that time, so their aunt took the reign.

a woman who strongly believed, she was chosen and predetermined to be queen.
she thought the chaos of love and happiness destroyed the god given rules of organisation. it was a mess she thought, and that's how the kingdom went dark.

the people were forced to work that they can pay the queen's wanted taxes. no resting for the poor population in the once colourful kingdom.
the brothers went silent as well. they hid their feelings from her as they lived in the same castle from now on, but they never forgot what they learned from their parents.

the bond the three brothers share, is still given.
when they are together, they are able to laugh and forget all the bad things which surround them.

just yeosang is worried. wooyoung and him grew really close but jongho who loves the nature, prefers the presence of animals, so he often spends time alone.

now, yeosang is 19 years old and has to face his destination soon. but the rules are clear. no wife, no marriage.
no marriage, no new king.

the majesty, so called queen does not want to give her kingdom away and that's why she is able to do horrible things...

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