I bit on my lip, quickly apologizing, "Ah, sorry, sorry. To move the subject, while we wait why don't we just start eating? I honestly only had a bit of breakfast today and it was nothing much, I'm practically starving," I chuckled nervously. Nagito would sit still for a minute, as if he were contemplating whether or not to let me eat, which was extremely odd. I know something 'important' was in that basket of his, but I think it could be shown now, right? Did it *have* to be back at our childhood neighborhood? I'd like to think not. But soon enough, Komaeda let out a sigh and nodded, "I see, well then, I suppose we could have it right now." He handed the basket over to me, and turned over to where his back was facing me, and I couldn't see his face. 

'Did letting me eat upset him that much? That's.. worrying.'

I try my best to shrug it off, and more focus on my hunger for the moment. I stuffed my hand into the basket, finding that there was a box inside. My eyes furrowed, and I pulled said box out; it was a thin box, seeming like one meant to hold small lines of food. Not only this but, there was a note taped onto it. I took the note off carefully, then reading it. It said,

"Dear Hajime Hinata; I am deeply in love with you and the hope that sleeps inside you."

I smiled a little to it, then opening the box itself, and from there my mouth would water. There lie Kusamochi, which is honestly my favorite food. I glanced over to Komaeda, and just then was when it clicked. Nagito made this? The note too? My face would heat red, as all the realization had dawned on me; the cloudette was planning on confessing to me like this. That was why he seemed so touchy about the basket, he wanted to keep this a surprise and reveal it once we got to the neighborhood. That was actually incredibly sweet, and it made my heart flutter and a larger smile to grow to my face. I placed the box and note onto my lap, then tapping the white haired male's shoulder. "Hey, Komaeda," I hummed, wanting to catch his attention. He glanced over to me, seeming surprised to notice my smile. I chuckled, picking up the box again and holding it up, "So what's this about?" His cheeks burned light pink, a nervous smile twisting on his face as well. "Um.. Did you read the note already?" He questioned, chuckling a bit. I quickly nodded, holding that up as well. "Mhm. This is from you, right?" I asked, although I was quite sure the answer to that was a definite 'yes'. The albino slowly nodded his head, "Yes, that's from me.. That's why I wanted to have this picnic with you today, I wanted to have some way of confessing to you and I thought that doing it where we met would be special, and attaching a note of my confession to your favorite food would give it even more meaning, at least that was what was going through my head," he explained, sighing afterwards, "but now, I suppose that my luck has ruined that and made it way less special than I had planned it to be."

I instantly shook my head, still smiling, "Oh, come on; I still really like it, just as much as I would have if the plan went as you wanted it to." I tried to quickly come up with some way to tell him that I accept his feelings in a no-awkward way, but it was just as hard for the author as it was for me, what a shame. Instead of wasting my time trying to come up with something to say, I just said it outright, probably sounding pretty awkward or out of place, although that didn't matter. 

"Well, um.. I'll be honest, I accept your feelings," as I admit to that, my cheeks boiled to a darker red, and so would the other male's. "Sorry if I worded that weird," I chuckled, "I'm just not sure of how else to say that without sounding stupid; not that my feelings for you are stupid, I just didn't want to sound, uh... Cliche. Blame the author for this, honestly." Nagito laughed softly, "It's alright, you don't sound weird at all. I'm just really shocked, I was expecting to be turned down. Even if Iruma kept trying to convince me with 'blushing during work when I mentioned'," he smiled. I bit my lip, "She told you about that?!" I looked away, embarrassed; why can't Miu just keep her mouth shut sometimes.. 

While thinking this, I suddenly felt two soft hands grab my face and pull me back to where I used to be facing, said direction being in front of Komaeda, and within a blink of an eye I felt a pair of equally soft lips placed onto my own. They were indeed, none other than the white haired male's. 

'This definitely isn't an overused fan-fiction cliche..'

Despite the thought, I still allowed myself to kiss the other back, as I had nothing against the idea and in all honesty I enjoyed it. After what felt like an everlasting forever, he pulled away, smiling, then looking over to where the help team was. "They're coming to us next, let's save up the food and we can eat it once we're out, okay?" He hummed, holding onto my hand in a soft manner. I quickly nodded, placing the Kusamochi box back into the basket, along with the note. Although, I was going to keep that later, and I would be sure to keep it somewhere safe, where I wouldn't lose it. 

As expected, the help team finally came over to us, and we were given quick treatments and then brought out of the bus, to sit on the nearest sidewalk. We were promised our money back from the ride, and we'd be getting a free ride to wherever we wanted to go. Honestly, it was quite generous. While Komaeda and I waited for our bus, we would eat some of the food he had packed, me especially chugging down an entire bottle of orange juice in thirty seconds. In the middle of all this, the albino beside me suddenly asked a very strange question. He looked over to me, curiosity laced in his expression. 

"Hey, Hajime, if you don't mind me asking.. do you remember the name of the project you were almost brought into? It's alright if not, I'm just really curious." The question caught me off guard, although I was quick to answer. "I believe it was called, 'The Kamukura Project'. Why?" Why was this suddenly brought up though? I couldn't even begin to guess, it was just so random and out of nowhere. Almost like that accident. Komaeda sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, it's just a random thought." All I did to respond was simply hum, 'huh', and I continued to eat. 

'As much as he may not want it to, that question is not going to be put off my mind.'

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