Are you kidding me? I am the hottest okay? I am always the hottest even in my sleep pajamas.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.

"Yeah.You are right,Jisoo.You know what? My baby girl looks sooo beautiful tonight.Never did once you failed to surprise me,Roséanne"my father approach me.He gave me one tight hug and I hug him back instantly.I found reassurance,save,love and home in his embrace.I loved my father and adore him.He was my first,last and only hero.

I almost sigh in relieve but then my mother interrupt the best moment.

" guys looks so sweet but mind if I join in?" Dramatically,she fold her arms on her chest,pouting a bit. She look a lil bit displeased with the discrimination we gave her.

My father loosen the hug and motion my mother to come and have a big family hug.

"Jisoo.Come here and have a big family hug with us" my mother said as she hug me on the other side,which her front were face to face with my father and I'm in the middle.We are like a big living sandwiches right now,I swear.

Jisoo unnie run and hug us all.I was in the middle and are struggling hard to breathe.I want to break free from the hug but it just feel so right that I feel home,love and comfort in this kind of situation.I wanted to tell them all that  but yeah,I just can't.It will only show how vulnerable and weak I am.I feel lack of love as I grown up.I'm in need of extra love lately since my life occupied with work and endless new project.

So,I just shut my mouth and fears of not being able to hold back my tears are haunting me.I know it's not wrong to be vulnerable in front of my own family but I just can't.It's just the way I am ever since I was little.I love to be independent,keep everything to myself.Never did once I tell my parents except Jisoo unnie about my feelings and my personal secret.We may fought a lot but it was a sister sister fight only.Nothing ever get too serious.

"Can's kinda hard to..breathe now and I..need a-air" I try to catch up with my breathing to find air to breathe in.

I waited a bit and realize they are not letting me go from the big tight family hug.

"Why aren't you all let me go by now? I will die if you keep on hugging me tightly like this.I need air to breathe.".I slightly push everyone away gently,careful not to cause anyone fall on the floor for too much force.

Soon,they let go of me slowly.Now,I feel lost again like I am somewhere far from home,from love.

I shook my head.I don't like to have any kinds of special feeling towards anyone like got addicted by something done by them or being vunerable to love.Not even to my both parents.I know I sound cruel here but I don't like to get attached to anyone,not even to my both parents.I do love them and it's more than anything but I can't show them I really am.I want to be independent.

I don't know how to show my love and I'm afraid to do it.I don't know why I'm afraid but I just do.Maybe because I know love weakened human? But my both parents,I could say that they love me very much more than anything especially my father.He is the one that are mostly there for me,telling me his love story with my mother,about work,about my childhood and etc.

While me? I just listened and never did once I tell him about me which I did the same to everyone except Jisoo unnie.She are the only place I could tell my problem to.She always been there for me and support me..As for my mother,she barely spend time with me since she is busy with work until the past two years she decided to gave me her position.She is a very strict person and barely show people her soft side.As to me,she does being soft and kind but most of time,she is being serious to me and are kinda pushy.She also is the kind that stick to her words.I mean like,when she made a decision,that is the final decision.There's nothing could change whatever she decide or tell you what to do.But yeah... it's kinda annoying but I know she knows what's the best in everything like what she did for me when she told me to handle her company.

The Love Battle(Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now