Chapter 14 - Showtime

Start from the beginning

I looked down and let a dark smirk curl my lips up. The next time I saw Feitan, blood oozed out of every hole on his head. His eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were all streaming with blood.

"What the hell?" he cursed. He stood there as the crimson trickled out of his body until he finally collapsed onto his knees. Before he could hit the floor, he was pulled back into a corner by Chrollo's arms. Feitan was now unconscious in the shade, Chrollo standing next to him.

Machi stepped back as she noticed a nosebleed coming on. She made it into a corner before she could lose any more blood.

Looks like she's the smart one. I guess she and Chrollo both figured out my ability by now. Feitan will know when he awakens. Oh well. That won't make it any less useful.

Chrollo opened the book he was holding and threw out some kind of large, brown cloth. He walked closer as the cloth covered each and every window he walked past. Instead of his hand delivering any kind of blow, he held it out to me, instead.

"You have passed."

What? I've passed? What the hell does he mean by that?

"I've passed what, exactly?"

The corners of his lips slightly turned up into a smile. "I deem you worthy. Will you join the Phantom Troupe?"

Pitch black.


Kurapika's POV

Just as I'd imagined, the hatred I held for the Phantom Troupe and their disgusting faces had not faded in the slightest since I last encountered them. The moment I knew Chrollo had entered the room, the rage inside of me grew undeniably strong. I was almost unable to restrain myself when I turned and saw him seated right next to (Y/n).

Leorio, Killua, and Gon were now in the hallway of the fourth floor of the hotel, waiting for (Y/n) and I to return to them. I stood outside of the door to the room that (Y/n) walked into. She was disguised as an employee of the hotel. The plan was that she would simply ask them to leave and then kindle her satellite as they left. Things didn't go according to plan, though, so I watched her summon the satellite while she spoke to the spiders.

She turned and started to walk toward me. I was ready to congratulate her on completing the task, but she was stopped. The spiders were behind her.

I'm going to intervene. I am not allowing her to get herself killed.

I made one foot into the room before stepping back out and hiding in the shadows once again.

No. I can't do that. I need to trust her ability. Besides, I have yet to see her in battle. She could be ten times stronger than I think. Yes, I'm going to let her take them on. If things take a turn, I will intervene before she can get hurt too badly.

I spent the next five minutes watching (Y/n) effortlessly dodge the attacks of the spiders. I was surprised to see that Chrollo was not fighting, considering he is the strongest. Nevertheless, (Y/n) landed a hit on both members she fought against.

Then, just when I even tried to comprehend her strength, her aura inflamed into a green energy that extended very far into the room. The curtains were sliced up on the floor now. I wondered if the window had something to do with her ability.

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