Chapter 4 - Surprise

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Antonio pulled me by my arms and made me stand up to face him. "Now, if you're gonna come and stalk me, we might as well talk about what I had in mind."

"And that is?"

He put his hands on my shoulders. "Look, (Y/n). I'm Antonio (L/n)."

"What? Are you saying we're related?"

"Yes. I'm your older brother."

"Funny," I replied sarcastically. "I don't have an older brother. Stop fooling around and tell me what business you have with my family."

I saw him about to start explaining, so I activated one of my Nen abilities: Satellite as he spoke. After completing the hunter exam two years ago, I discovered I am a specialist. I'd always been fascinated by the moon, so that's what I based my abilities on. Satellite was an ability that allowed me to release a small tracker that orbited an opponent's body. It resembled a small moon, and let me hear and see my opponent and their surroundings. Using In, the satellite is made completely invisible and cannot be detected. That is unless the enemy uses Gyo.

"Oh, (Y/n). You're the funny one. You see, I lived with Dad since the divorce. Seeing as you have nothing to do with him, I'm not surprised you had no idea of my existence." He pulled his hands back and shoved them into his pockets. "I never liked Mom. I knew you would run away if that was who you were living with. Hm, a runaway is what you are, correct?.. Since I'm twenty, I am allowed to come search for you. And, well, Dad wants to see you. So that's what I'm doing: bringing you to Dad. The reason is that he knows something you don't. That means you'll find out from him."

I stepped back in disbelief. "I... You. You what?"

"Hold on... None of this is adding up. You're twenty? Wouldn't that make you the same age as Fiona? Did Dad have some sort of mistress?"

I imagined my older sister, Fiona. The last memory I have of her is her calm face lying on her bed three years ago when I left home. I looked up at Antonio's eyes and they softened for the slightest moment.

He let out a laugh. "She was my twin. Oh how I miss her..." Antonio said.

Was? What is that supposed to mean?

"Wh-What?" I tried to find words I wanted to say, but nothing else came out.

"I'm assuming you're wondering why I've been following you for the past few months," he sighed. "Yes, I could've just taken you at any moment. Perhaps I just wanted to bond with my little sister. Or maybe I was just toying with you."

"Hm... It's a good thing you haven't been following me for too long. If you'd started sooner, you would know just how much I'm capable of," I remarked.

"Amusing," he replied before patting my head and giving me a fake smile.

"Anyways," he continued. "I'll be taking that necklace now, seeing as I know where you live. In December, I'll come and bring you to Dad. And you'll have no way to escape. Bye now, (Y/n)."

The next thing I knew, Antonio was gone.

What the hell just happened?

I remembered the blonde was there. When Antonio grabbed me, he hadn't noticed him. Chances were that he was still behind the tree. I walked back over to it.

"Interesting backstory you have there," he commented.

"I can't believe I just let a stranger listen to my entire life story," I said, facepalming.

"I can't believe I just listened to a stranger's entire life story," he remarked back.

"Shut up," I muttered.

The blonde stood up and stepped closer to me. He had a hint of concern in his grey eyes. "...Was that true?"

"How would I know? I was on the receiving end of it all!" I replied, throwing my arms up out of frustration.

"I know that! I'm not stupid," he defended himself in a low, irritated voice. "I was asking if you really are a runaway."

"What does it matter to you?"

He let out a sigh. "You're difficult, you know that? I've known you for less than twenty-four hours and I've come to that conclusion."

After a long pause, he started again, "To be honest, I felt you were a Nen user and thought you may be associated with someone I was after. Seeing as you have a completely irrelevant story from one who would be affiliated, it seems I can rid of that thought—and tell you my name as well. I'm Kurapika. Have a good night," he said, walking to the exit of the park.

Kurapika. That's a good name. Strange, but fitting. And he's after someone? Damn, now I really want to know more about him. I mean, he'd just heard so much about me, yet the only thing I know of him is his name now.

I took a deep breath and went back home. I laid in my bed for a few hours, but I just couldn't fall asleep.

I feel uneasy knowing that Antonio now knows where I live. Luckily for me, I can see where he is at any time. That is until he uses Gyo again.

I sat crisscrossed on my bed and closed my eyes.


After 15 seconds, I opened my eyes and was now viewing Antonio from the satellite's point of view. I could also hear something, that something being soft footsteps. A lady with an outfit that made her look as if she was going to a business meeting came into view.

"Would you like tea, coffee, or water, sir?"

Ah. He must be on a plane. Probably going back to my father. But why is he leaving? Wouldn't it had been easier for him to have taken me at the park earlier? What reason is there to wait until December? Why get rid of the necklace now? I could easily just flee. None of this is making any sense.

I closed my eyes and was suddenly sitting on my warm bed again. I got back under the comforter and dozed off.

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