"...the plan going?"

"The message should....."

"...so he is going it hack into the main..."

Bakugo looked over to Izuku to see him sending their location from inside the building to the police chief for any backup they would need. Izuku looked up to him and nodded.

With a few more quiet footsteps, Bakugo was able to peek into the room containing the followers. They were all surrounding a hooded figure dressed in dark blue as they typed away at a computer. Izuku tapped his shoulder twice to let him know that police is just right outside the door to help when they need it.

Izuku readied a support capture gun from Hatsume Industry. It had five capture nets ready to go that can help them easily capture them before they try to run away. He only had five before he had to reload, hopefully they were less than five people inside the room.

Bakugo gestured with his fingers to show that there were eleven people inside the room. Izuku nodded, making sure his support gun was ready to capture K's followers. With a deep breath and calculating eyes, Bakugo moved back to gesture Izuku to cause a distraction. They had a silent argument about how to distract them.

Bakugo gestured with the gun towards the big guy in the corner of the room. Izuku looked at him, not exactly getting the message before he finally got the plan. Izuku gaped with his mouth dropped slightly open before aiming his capture gun through the small opening in the door. With a small wish, he fired the funnel looking gun towards the big guy.


Everyone looked over to see the pair biggest guy taken out by a huge net that tightened over his form. Some looked over right into time to face Bakugo's gauntlets as he punched straight into them. Bakugo then took out another escaping follower with a blast to the back.

With quickening breath, Izuku looked around to take down the heavy hitters with the capture gun. His second one was used on a guy with praying mantis hands. Then another with an arm that shifted into a huge sledgehammer. The next one with the familiar ram horns tried to ram into a Izuku this top him only to be bested by the strong net. After his fifth load, he started to reload as Bakugo took down his fourth follower.

Without either of them noticing until it was too late, the hooded figure had slipped past them. With a shout, Bakugo looked back to see just the flash of the dark blue hoodie escape down the hallway. Izuku went to follow after him as Bakugo took down the tenth person in the room. Izuku ran out into the dirty hallway only for him to lose track of the final follower, the eleventh one.

The police came in shortly after to back them up only to see that ten of them were already taken care of. Tsukauchi ordered a cruiser to go east when Izuku told him of the escaped hooded figure.


Bakugo was pacing as Izuku waited as Tsukauchi did interrogations. It was about three hours after the take down of the follower meeting.

Tsukauchi eventually came out to deliver the information he had gathered. "Okay. I gathered quite a bit."

"What is it?" Bakugo asked, pausing in his pacing.

"The followers met with the hacker tonight. They plan to hack into most of Japan's websites to allow everyone to read the last letter of K, their savior."

Izuku questioned, "What is the deal with the hacker? It was the one we let away wasn't it?"

Tsukauchi nodded, "The hacker is apparently very good at their work. Too good."

"As in?"

"As in we really need to bring them down. If we don't, the entire country might get this letter in no time at all. On this level, we have about less than a week before most of the websites are hacked into to show the letter all over the country of Japan." Tsukauchi explained.

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