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Marinette didn't know what had woken her up. Maybe it was the silence that was wrapping all around her? Or maybe it was how much lighter the room she was sleeping in was compared with her usual bedroom? Maybe was it how warm and comfortable she was feeling, as if... um... wrapped in a tight hug? Or maybe the tickling sensation of... what was that, hair, near her nostrils? There was also that lovely smell of lemon mixed with what (she gave it a good sniff) smelled like... lavender? Maybe even something else? Uh, that's a really pleasant smell. She was in the middle of giving it another sniff and deciding whether it was a good idea to open her eyes or not when she heard a 'crash' sound, as if something had hit the ceiling of the room she was sleeping in.

Her eyes instantly shot open and her gut feeling screamed 'akuma alert'. She fumbled to her bedside table for her phone to check the news, and that's when her senses were hit with the realisation that something was wrong. First, she couldn't find her bedside table. Second, now that she opened her eyes, she didn't recognise the room. She looked around and it appeared as if she was in a sort of... changing room? That or the person who owned the room had more clothes than Chloé Bourgeois. Nope. That would be impossible.

Where was she? Last thing she remembered was... uh, her head hurt, she couldn't actually remember what was the last thing she remembered.

What was this place? The more she looked around the less she recognised where she was. But it was only when she focused in front of her nose that she realised that the beautiful smell of lemon and lavender that had hit her nostrils when she woke up was coming from a blond mop of hair positioned just under her nose.

A very... familiar blond mop of hair.

And as she moved her nose just mere centimeters on the right, an even more familiar smell hit her nostrils. The stench of Camembert. Uggghhh... she wrinkled her nose and moved her face to the left, not before giving a good look at the cause of the offending smell.

Plagg. Plagg was sleeping on the top of a very familiar mop of blond hair. Of a boy. A blond boy with Plagg on his head. Sleeping. Wrapped around her.

Wrapped. Around. Her.

With his face buried in her chest.

Chat Noir.

Marinette was sure that her face had become redder than her Ladybug suit. Oh my God, what was the silly cat thinking? Her heart pounded madly in her chest just underneath his ear as she mentally listed all the different ways she could skin the cat alive for using her chest as a pillow. But suddenly, a second, even scarier, realisation hit. She eyed yet again the sleeping Plagg to her right.

A detransformed Chat Noir.

Marinette felt her breath catching. This was a DISASTER!

But she couldn't think of the consequences and about all the catastrophic scenarios that were coming to her mind. She couldn't think of a single way to get out of the situation without discovering his identity. She couldn't even think of why he was sleeping with Plagg on his head so tightly snuggled with her that she hardly had room to breathe. Because, suddenly, an even louder 'crash' shook the room like an earthquake, followed by a couple of extremely loud bangs, and the boy's head shot up. Marinette didn't manage to close her eyes on time, terrified as she also was of the new abrupt sound. Did the ceiling seem like it had gotten lower, by any chance? She totally forgot to close her eyes.

And, that very moment, her heart stopped. Sitting up in front of her, half naked, hair messed up and all crooked on the side he had been leaning on her, which also displayed a slightly pinker cheek (probably, again, because he had been leaning on her), his eyes still nearly closed... but still lighting up the whole room like a ray of sunshine, was Adrien Agreste.

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