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Marinette shivered. She stood in front of the small frozen lake and looked around, trying to find any warning sign that there could be any danger. The sky was covering the park with its white canopy and the trees all around the lake looked like they came from a polar tundra, so covered in snow that every part of their branches displayed a thick white contour.

The scenery felt nearly apocalyptic and Marinette looked around reverentially — it was all so beautiful. Not having found any warnings for danger, she sat down on a bench near the lake and started taking her walking boots off, to replace them immediately with her ice skates. She put her walking boots back into the bag she had used to store her skating boots and placed everything back into the small backpack she had brought with her. She gave a couple of shakes to her feet, ensuring that her boots had been put on safely.

"I don't know, Marinette. This sounds fishy. Why aren't your friends here yet? It took you much longer than we expected to arrive," whispered Tikki in her ear.

"Alya and the girls must have had a delay somewhere. She told me to start enjoying myself, and there doesn't seem to be any danger around. What can go wrong?" mused Marinette.

Tikki looked at the sky warily. "It feels wrong. The clouds are too dense in the sky, it's going to start to blizzard soon. I don't want you caught in it. There must be a reason why nobody's here at all!"

"Nothing to worry about, Tikki," said Marinette with a smile. She tapped on the screen of her phone and opened the weather forecast. "There's no mention of any blizzard starting any time soon."

Tikki kept staring at her with a worried gleam in her eyes and Marinette sighed and gave her a quick rub on the head. She checked again that her skates were put on properly and then she moved warily on the cold ground to reach the surface of the lake. After a couple of minutes of watching Marinette skate, Tikki started to calm down a little, because Marinette was an excellent skater and there really seemed to be no danger.

Marinette saw the gaze of her small friend relaxing and smiled softly at her. "See? There's nothing to worry about. It's a bit unlike you to be this worried, Tikki. Usually you're so confident."

Tikki sighed and moved her gaze from hers. "It's complicated, Marinette. A long, complicated story."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Tikki. Just enjoy the warmth of the purse, okay? I'm sure Alya will get here soon with the gir—" But Marinette's reasoning was interrupted by a loud crack. She opened her eyes wide as the ice under her boots started breaking and one of the skates she was wearing got caught in the rupture. She panicked. She tried to pull her foot out. The ice broke even more, a skin curling loud bang resounding all around the silent lake. Marinette felt the ground underneath her feet dissolving, and the freezing temperature of the water hit her senses, like thousands of blades butchering her skin. She gasped for air so desperately that she felt herself hyperventilating. The whole place around her was a thin puzzle of shattered ice pieces. She waved her hands around, trying to find something to hold, but she couldn't grab anything, the ice had broken too finely to leave her something to grasp.

She started drowning.


"I can't feel my legs!" said Marinette, emerging from the water to gasp for air. "I can't move, Tikki, I think I have cramps! HELP ME!"

The little Goddess of Creation zipped around her chosen in a manic frenzy. She looked around but couldn't see anybody by the lake that she could catch the attention of. And worse than anything, snow was starting to fall from the sky, making it very hard to distinguish anything.

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