"What? I'm not apologizing for that. That would damage my pride too much!"

"Well, you better!"

"No, no, Tsuna." Hashirama sniffed. "It's fine." Tobirama sweatdropped, crossing his arms and kicking his brother lightly.

"Get up, elder brother. Your embarrassing me."

Hashirama laughed, deciding to ignore his brothers statement and instead finally introduce himself to the girl.

"My names Senju Hashirama! Who're you?"

"None of your business." He sweatdropped.

"Isn't it common courtesy to share your name?"

"I don't care about that. I don't trust anyone. And telling you my name means I trust you, which I don't."

"So mean..." He comically cried but stopped upon analyzing her.

"Woah..." She raised an unamused eyebrow once he looked between his brother and her, eye growing wider at each look.

"You look a lot like, Tobirama..." Yoko's eyes widened, and his also did as well once he saw here eyes.

"Tobirama! I bet this is your long lost kid! She's got your hair and eyes and even some marks!" And though he joked, Tobirama and Yoko looked at each other, the latter narrowing her eyes in thought.

'Tobirama never got married in Naruto...But...I've already changed the story, so...What am I thinking, ugh.'

Tobirama on the other hand was slightly panicked, though his expression didn't show it, the slightest twitch of his eyebrow made Hashirama grow suspicious.

Tobirama didn't want to even consider the possibility, but...

Well, no one really knew of his...Nights of pleasure. Just how he wanted it. 

So, a child of his...

"Big sister!" He blinked out of his thoughts and looked at the boy who latched onto the girls waist.

The sudden fondness and kindness in her eyes made Hashirama grin.

"Hello little brother. Did you have fun?" 

"Yeah, of course!" He grinned, his black hair flowing in the wind.

"Thanks for bringing me!" She sighed, her stoic face barely showing any emotion as she brought her pale hand up and placed it on his head.

"We should get going now. Don't want Shoko-Sama angry, now do we?"

"Uh-Uh!" He shook his head and rose his arms, telling her he wanted to be lifted. 

She shook her head with a huff and lifted him into her arms, the one and a half year old boy giggling as she did.

"Who are they, big sister?" She looked at the three Senjus, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Some losers. Don't worry about it." Tobiramas eyebrow twitched as his hand reached out and grabbed his grand niece, stopping her from pummeling the young girl.

"Watch out!" A sudden yell from the children playing was heard, and the round and hard ball approaching the siblings was stopped by a shadow clone of Yokos.

Yoko stood, her back facing the ball and her clone grabbing it, throwing it away.

"Oi! Watch where you're throwing that thing!" She hissed, her glare scaring them.


"Are you alright?" She looked at the little boy who giggled and nodded.

"It was just a ball, so even if it did hit me it wouldn't hurt! Don't worry so much, big sister!"

"Yeah well-"

"Where did you learn that jutsu?" The accusing tone of the Senju filled her ears, making her back straighten and her thoughts whirl.

"Not many know a jutsu like that, I only recently made that." Enyo looked between his sister and the white haired man, noticing the tension between them.

"Big sister?" She turned her head and met his gaze, red eyes burning into green ones.

"What is it?"

"It's time to go." She opened her mouth to say something but changed her mind.

"Yeah. I'll see you guys later."

"Hey, wait!"

"Have a good day, Senju-Sans!" She quickly rushed off with her brother, heart racing and panicked.

'Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idio-'

"Big sister? What's wrong?" She stared at the black haired boy and suddenly calmed down, patting his head reassuringly and not noticing the hidden gaze of a certain Senju.

'Nevermind...Everything will be fine...I hope.'

Chapter End~

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Chapter End~

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